It’s almost as if Team Trump was utterly unprepared to govern a nation of 325 million people, or something...
It’s almost as if Team Trump was utterly unprepared to govern a nation of 325 million people, or something...
This is going to be a scorching hot take, but merely bearing and raising a child does not in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM make you qualified to talk about the Trump/Russia allegations and wider societal implications on (what could be generously described as) a news program.
My family consisting of me, my partner, and our four cats, cares DEEPLY about the Russia issue.
You should look in to the story of Vyckie Garrison, the founder of No Longer Quivering. She was a Quiverfull mother of seven who left the movement, started a blog, and helps other Quiverfull “walk aways”. Trying to get custody of her remaining minor children damn near bankrupted her, because of course her abusive…
she has no way to support herself or her children even if she did leave.
Do you understand the kind of brainwashing that woman has been subject to for her entire life? People in Quiverfull circles actually think that divorce is worse than murder. She’s under incredible pressure from both sides of the family to “forgive” him. And since she’s probably been homeschooled her entire life until…
Oh I bet she handed it to him in the private meetings. When the reporter asks if they discussed NATO and Trump takes a sec, and then he says “Talked about many things” you can tell he’s pissed oh I hope she said something witty and cutting and smart and it sticks in his orange craw for all eternity.
Now that President Obama has moved on, it’s actually nice to see the new leader of the free world sitting in the Oval Office, and also Donald Trump.
She’s not. It’s part of the alt-right propaganda against her. They’re spamming the comments section with that claim. Schumer told a story about how one time in college a drunk guy called her over to have sex, fingered her and fell asleep on top of her, after which she left. They decided to call a story in which she…
I watched that too! Much better imo but I still don’t think Amy’s was worth only 1 star. It wasn’t good it but I still laughed a few times.
I really, really wanted to like her special but I gave up after 10 minutes or so. It was exclusively ‘ooh a woman talking about sex *how unladylike*’. I know she is capable of social commentary - her show is full of it - but 10 minutes in, she hadn’t made any interesting points so I gave up. It was really…
I’m conflicted. On the one hand, I’m 100% on her side and 100% opposed to the alt-right. On the other hand, her special was not good. I’m a fan of her show, and I liked her movie a lot, and I liked her previous special, but this one sucked, frankly.
I don’t like her and her shtick is old and boring but if she annoys Trump supporters I can get behind that tbh
I tried watching this but tapped out at like, 4 minutes in when she started saying something about waking up to someone eating her puss in college. Nope.
She led people to believe she had a bombshell. Then she pulled some American Idol bullshit, waiting til after the first commercial break. That is not journalism.
She knew she had nothing AND she knew what the reaction would be to the announcement. Bullshit in its purest form
Her excuse is bogus.
Weird, I’m not seeing too many comments about my really smart historical analysis?
Confession time: I LOVED Garden State. When I was in high school, I must’ve watched that movie a dozen times. I loved that whole “Good luck exploring the infinite abyss!” “Hey, you too!” I thought that was so great. And I definitely bought the whole soundtrack and listened to it many many many times. I haven’t seen it…