
hell, i’m jealous. i want bossoms. sounds like some sort of super sweet heirloom tomato.

Fuck that. She has magnificent boobs and she should share them with the world if that’s what she so desires.

Enrique needs auto-tune? Before or after the mole removal? I ask because I think the mole gave him special powers.

I listen to hip-hop more than I listen to pop music.

Looks like roast beef cold cuts. Fucking cheap skate.

Looks like lunch meat. There’s also the slices of tomato and cheese next to it. So cheap sandwich bar!

THIS IS NOT NORMAL. I thought watching chuck todd’s pie eating grin in the lobby of Trump tower was an embarrassment to journalism, but this is just on a whole other level.

Lololol that person is a faint truther! Wtf. Is this real life?

Pretty sure Bad Moms has a female lead or 3.

She would have been in First Class, though, and Margot Robbie’s family is poor and also presumably in Australia, so I think The Shallows with Blake Lively who is from a wealthy LA family.

“I love fainters!

Back in grad school, I was dating this asshole, and I planned this awesome surprise party at a bowling alley for him. He was totally surprised and all our friends were there. Then about twenty minutes I slipped and fell on the lane and split my chin open. Somehow NO ONE saw it, but when they turned around and saw me

i typed it extremely sheepishly, i have to admit. :D

In high school I had an early morning theater class where we were standing in a circle about to do some exercise and i fainted forward into the middle of the circle... When people kind of knee jerk went to help me the jackass teacher said “wait! lets see what she does!” b/c he thought I was *acting* ... It wasn’t

That was my first thought as well. I have a coworker who occasionally has seizures at work, and she is always so embarrassed after. We try and stress that there is nothing to be embarrassed about. We care about her, and we are always just glad she is ok!

It isn’t the first time that someone has fainted in a press conference. I imagine that the security checks take a while to process; they may not have eaten in their rush to get there; and that it is a crowded stuffy room without much ventilation....

one time when i was doing my student teaching, i fainted from taking a sip of coke. CO2 bubble cut off my oxygen and i collapsed on the floor.

I fainted at work once in front of 2 people

Main reasons I watch Love Actually annually: