False-flag operation, natch. Team Sane sends a crazy guy out to do a crazy thing claiming he’s working for Team Crazy, thus making Team Crazy look crazy to those who somehow weren’t clued in by all the crazy in Team Crazy’s brochure.
False-flag operation, natch. Team Sane sends a crazy guy out to do a crazy thing claiming he’s working for Team Crazy, thus making Team Crazy look crazy to those who somehow weren’t clued in by all the crazy in Team Crazy’s brochure.
Yeah, the claim among the true believers is that it was a false flag attack to discredit the accusations by making them look like crazy, violent idiots.
It sucks because I am a big fan of Angelina and the humanitarian work she does but her attorney’s ties to that scumbag Harvey Levin makes me sick. I do family law and her bullshit of wanting the records sealed but only if he complies completely with her is emotional blackmail and bullshit. He does not have to comply…
Moscow Mule started making a comeback about 5-6 years ago.
It’s all about the fancy schmancy cooper mugs, and the bartenders’ zest for overdoing the ginger in fancy schmancy ways (crystallized ginger, baby ginger syrup). The Mule is basically this decade’s Mojito.
I would definitely buy this “rock” if the SKU description would read as follows:
A male Leni Riefenstahl
How about Mark Burnett stages the inauguration as a mashup of his programs? Trump is dropped into an actual shark tank that’s on a desert island and he screams until his voice is gone and we see if he’s a survivor.
“I want this to be a series of shows from the eyes of leaders of nations about their countries,” adding: “not through the lens of a news organization.”
Is it bad that I hope there is a earth shattering riot during his inauguration which will bring D.C. to its knees? I just want everything to be a disaster for Our Orange Overlord from minute one.
Reading the linked article, I was particularly astonished by the tidbit telling us that the rapist would be accompanied by a plainclothes officer while he finished attending his classes and graduating. The immediate question in my mind is the following:
Folks, this is a college rape accusation story and we all know the MRA trolls are going to swarm this post. Don’t respond and bring them out of the grays, it’s what they want. It’s literally all they want. They don’t want to engage in a discussion about campus sexual assault or sexual assault in general or talk about…
This thing where universities and colleges “handle” rapes internally needs to stop. This shit is serious and needs a two-pronged approach, notifying the college being one part, and filing charges being the other. Just getting some asshole (maybe) kicked out of school is not enough.
You can help make it up to us by being a great, hands-on role model to your sons, nephews, and every other young man in your life. It wouldn’t hurt if you became a Big Brother or did other volunteer work with young men. And also, when you hear boys/young men/grown men saying anything inappropriate about women,…
White supremacy has been normal since the founding of this country. Time didn’t do anything to normalize it.
This idiotic dipshit epitome of privilege was just weeks away from a White House gig that would have probably set him up for life (not that he isn’t already set up for life), and the only thing that stopped him was stepping on his own dick on Twitter.
A check like the electoral college, you mean?
Holy shit.
Nothing will top the trailer for the shitty Lifetime Brittany Murphy biopic.