Why do you think it’s a comparison to 1945 hitler versus a 1933 hitler?
Why do you think it’s a comparison to 1945 hitler versus a 1933 hitler?
Right, and when people compare Trump to Hitler are looking at the political transitions that allowed that brutality to take place, which are frighteningly similar. We’ve seen this before, we’ve seen it not only in Germany, but we’ve seen it in the US. The Hitler comparisons are not as hyperbolic as some seem to think.
Right? Poor kid. Let him enjoy his childhood. He’ll be ground under by the misery of adulthood too soon. Let him wear the damn dinosaur shoes.
Thank goodness, a man is here to tell men how women feel.
Let the kid wear the dinosaur shoes outside FFS. You just said life is too short.
“Ford says his 4-year-old son Jack is “so happy” because he hasn’t learned “the secret.” And that secret, he says, “is that he’s going to die.”
I’m thinking “pedals” might have been his next guess.
Until I read the part saying her name was Kathryn, I assumed her name was Rose Pettles because my brain couldn’t comprehend what that meant haha. My god.
Also, does he really think rose petals ahould be spelled “rose pettles”?????
The Kathryn Boyd and Josh Brolin things is so weird. I knew her older sister in high school. So, so weird.
Yea, when you cede the moral high ground to fucking ARAMARK, you might want to reassess your life.
Usually, I despise Aramark and their ‘values’..but not this time!
I’ve taken great joy in keeping my daughter from my in-laws. It makes them sad. It makes us happy.
Got an email from my mom this past weekend; can confirm.
When the thought, “waiting for the right time to break it to the internet” crosses your mind, it’s a powerful sign that you have made poor life choices.
He called Taiwan because he didn’t fucking realize he wasn’t supposed to.Because it’s a manufacturing country and he wanted to get right on that - just like with Japan.
You put way more thought into this call than Trump did, is the problem.