
Hell yes, and don’t forget the veterans groups, each led by a Native American woman vet, who showed up to protect the water defenders. Now that is fucking American. Fuck these corporate, fossil fuel, fuck-the-environment bastards.

This proves that activism; especially by badass tribal members, women, queer folks, PoC, etc.; fucking works. This is amazing news and I’m elated. But: we can’t get complacent. We still have to keep fighting. Keep donating to conservation charities. Keep calling your representatives. Keep being loud. Keep up the good

So, Austria rejected a far-right candidate and DAPL is stopped. It’s a good day! Let’s hope the results of the Italian referendum continue the pattern...and that this is a turning point after this no-good shitty year! (Louisiana senate seat; recounts and/or faithless electors, pleaseohplease!)

“The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and all of Indian Country will be forever grateful to the Obama administration for this historic decision,” he said.

Rebuttal: Google fashion Santa.

That was the past, man. You’re living in the present – 2016 – where the future moves backwards.

It’s Moops

St Nicholas was a Moor. Moors were black. If anything all Santas should be black.

The Legend of Santa: Toy Force Heroes

Aren’t Santa’s key physical components his bushy white beard, his jiggly belly, and his twinkling eyes? What the hell does the color of his skin have to do with any of those things? What is wrong with people?

I think because it was the first time at the Mall of America.

Goddamnit. I seriously can’t remember a day in the last month where I haven’t hated humanity at least once.

It’s all very student council president: “I’m going to make the school lunch people serve us pizza WHENEVER WE WANT!”

“Let’s face it, he’s going to look out for corporations, to make things work for them, to bring jobs back home,” Terry said. “And as things trickle down — as they’re going to because it’s America — the little guy will get something, too.”

“As things trickle down...” that guy should look up where we get that saying from.

On the one hand, I do feel a smidge of pity for some of these people. On the other, fuck them. I’m a poor white person who needs change too, but I’m also neither a bigot nor a fucking idiot so I’m really over the “poor white people just wanted change!” narrative. It feels patronizing and infantalizing. The only people

Well, I can take joy in the pain of people who are regretting their votes because Donald is not building a wall/prosecuting Clinton. I really don’t have a lot of sympathy for those ones.

Newsflash; people who can’t tell they’ve been conned surprised when it turns out they’ve been conned.

Hmmmm, where is this labeled a movie review? I usually put it in the tags.