
Baldwin’s reaction is like that republican lady who got all mad at Ana Navarro for saying pussy on the news when she was quoting Donald Trump - same misdirection, same reduction of the word to the single, most recent instance of it’s use while blatantly ignoring the referenced, and far more significant, use.

While we may not have any hard proof (YET), there is a 0% chance Steve Bannon has never said nigger.

It’s as if a stinking crack in the earth opened up and everything that rational human beings fear has come to the surface.

i tried, and then i realized everything is already fucked.

oh just fucking fuck everything.

Playing Devil’s advocate here, I think he’s badly mangling the way laws over conflict of interest work. That is, the President is, in fact, exempt from them.

Essentially, yes. And from a legal perspective, he is absolutely correct.

I still literally cannot believe this man is our next president.

Does Christie ever do like ... his actual job of governing New Jersey?

On Friday, Tequila tweeted photos of herself at a private, alt-right D.C. dinner

Craft Thread!

This gif is my everything, and sums up how I feel a lot lately. Someone posted on my FB page yesterday that ice cubes melting in your drink and the drink not overflowing proved that climate change and rising sea levels are a hoax. I made that face several times and just thought, I’m gonna let the rest of my science

We call that Freedom Foam.

They do realize they’re setting themselves up for a whole lot of spit in their coffee, right?

Why would Pence bother seeing Hamilton? Does he not even know what it’s about?

1. She probably has something like schizophrenia.

I was on a date with a woman and we were talking about how I take antidepressants. She asked if I’d tried “healing my depression through alternative medicine”. I told her, “no, because if I tried ‘healing my depression’ through ‘alternative medicine’ my next step would be painting the walls with my brains.” I have

Jesus Christ.

Judge Brown: