I think she looked prettier before the meat was sucked out of her cheeks but dear lord that is a new money, dog’s breakfast, My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding style dress.
I think she looked prettier before the meat was sucked out of her cheeks but dear lord that is a new money, dog’s breakfast, My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding style dress.
I love that one of the cover stories alludes to a face lift, hahahahahaha.
Seriously. It looks like something Maria von Trapp might cook up with a bed-in-a-bag.
It’s like something from Dave, with Kevin Kline and Sigourney Weaver and Frank Langella.
Can’t be said enough. Remember those Deadspin dudes complaining that they’ll hold their nose for Clinton but their votes in PA didn’t matter anyways? Yeah, about that...
This is why, in the final accounting, I’m still more upset about the third party voters than others who didn’t vote. That smugness, that insistence that their conscience or Hillary being a “warhawk” mattered more to them than Trump being Trump. Christ, the times I was told I was a “sheeple” because I didnt take…
BTW, to show you just how important a single vote is in a system like our’s (winner-take-all, first past the post), my home state of Michigan is currently being decided by around 11,000 votes...out of 4.8 million. A single percentage point higher turnout in Detroit, a quarter of Jill Stein’s 51,420 voters in the…
Yes. Revolutions suck. They almost always fail. Even if they succeed, poor people in revolutions suffer a thousand times more than rich people in revolutions.
It’s so infuriating. Does she have any idea what people go through in a war? And in the aftermath?
You know, I can’t think of a single time in my life when being told to “Get over it” actually made, or even helped, me get over something. So, no, I’m not going to get over it and expect the best of everyone just because I’m told to. Show me some good and we can talk.
Susan Sarandon didn’t cost Hillary the election, and I hardly think most people are making that argument. But, fuck me alive if her behavior during the election wasn’t a flighty game of White Privilege Bingo.
Love it when wealthy insulated people who can run away talk about “the revolution.” Seriously, fuck this woman. I don’t think she had an actual impact on the election, she’s not relevant enough to swing more than maybe a dozen voters, but I am disgusted by her glib attitude.
Look, I know the comparison is already getting worn out but this is actually an idea lifted straight out of the Hitler/Goebbels playbook. He wants to give all these people a place to go to push the love the cannot feel in their lives towards him, and push all the hate in their hearts towards any protesters that show…
Would you say Debra is... messing with Susan Sarandon?
That is the FIRST thing that came to mind. I know who’s paying for the secret service (we are) but who’s paying for the rest?
These women would stab each other in the face in order to get the first Tuesday appointment with Louis Licari.
Yeah— most people steered clear of protesting rallies, but all bets are off now. There will definitely be marches and protests planned around this fucking victory tour.
Unfortunately, I can’t remember where I read it (WaPo?), but one of the articles about what a gong show the transition has been claimed that the day after winning, Trump announced his plans to go on a victory tour of rallies, and his staff and advisors unanimously told him, no, that’s a stupid idea, that’s not how…
Fingers crossed that each one these stops turns into a disaster when swarms of good people protest and give him a taste of why over 60 million did NOT vote for him.