
For real. Did she eat something poisonous and was too weak to help herself? Did the 911 operator say “please, Mr. Ansari, you must help her expel the toxin!” Otherwise, there’s really no reason for that. That’s not an actual move.

Also, there is no way that anyone involved in these reshoots did it “for nothing.” Their unions would never allow it.

As a non-morning-person, I will say that living anywhere near a roosters-only chicken farm sounds like my idea of hell.

They’ve usually got to work it out with their ex somehow if they are. And it usually winds up costing them extra, which seems fair enough. If Coparenting Industries decides to move the base of operations, usually they have to pay the team’s relocation fees.

So, cystic acne + PCP, then. SOME kind of substance was involved here.

It’s because she’s a commoner, though I’m actually not sure what that means for Kate Middleton (also a commoner) once William becomes Prince of Wales—she may become Princess William??

I’m sure she’s had some stuff done, but pregnancy also can do weird stuff to your face.

If it’s really essential that babies’ names “match how they look,” then everyone would be named Wrinkles or Milkychin.

Please enjoy this additional totally candid photo! Just two people hanging out by the water, not even aware of the camera!

I am fascinated by the way that ET announcer is pronouncing the name “Beatrice.”

I realize that Kate probably is just touching her husband’s back or something, but give the total lack of even so much as a raised shoulder, it almost looks like they’ve just photoshopped out her right arm entirely.

Exactly this.

I think they do, actually.

I read that as Macaulay Culkin and Brenda Strong, which IMO would make a much better story.

They’re the second-best thing to watch while home sick, right after British murder mysteries.

No, there’s really not a whole lot of room for interpretation, which is why it’s strange that you’re trying so hard to misinterpret it.

Is that established? I don’t think it’s inappropriate at all. She’s speaking to the unique experience of that kind of intense acting partnership. And in fact it’s so common that I remember Kate Winslet saying something really similar about Leonardo DiCaprio, and fans similarly misunderstanding and similarly going

Oh, I hate this so much worse than LCK’s statement. This is basically “I had no idea my client was so awful, hey, look over there at my awful client!”

I don’t think Kim Kardashian’s main problem in life is that she’s had insufficient opportunities to enjoy people giving her stuff.

There is NO CHANCE there’s not a Law & Order on somewhere.