
THANK YOU. This is really poor form on the part of the designer, and I hope Ciroc steps in and calls him out on this. There’s no way he actually believes that Ashanti herself was going to finish up the shoot and then be sent over to the sink with the bikini and a bottle of Woolite, and then pack everything up and take

Ugh, Andy Cohen is such a try-hard, though. “I don’t know her” has already been done. Don’t try to walk in those footsteps.

So re: this part of the story (in addressing the “complaint handlers” and therapy for HW etc.): “But while these demands were written into the agreement, the Financial Times reports that it is unclear whether or not Miramax ever fully honored them.”

Yeah, but if they were classmates at age 14, they were probably people you’d known for awhile? She’s an adult and met these people 3 weeks ago, and they’re already trying to turn her into a project.

SERIOUSLY. And her mother is doing her a FAVOR by proactively sending her the names and addresses. This way LW2 doesn’t have to chase them down! Thanks, Mom!

It’s a good point, except for a lot of people, the memories of the good sex and the strong connection that builds are part of what helps sustain through the adult-diaper changes.

Even Dan Savage doesn’t really advocate cheating, though. He’s an advocate of non-monogamy, but of honest, consensual nonmonogamy. He makes some exceptions (and that’s where I think a lot of people diverge from him) but he’s also not shy about calling people CPOSes when that’s what they are.

She’s the coolest.

My mom tries to talk me out of going to the laundromat by myself.

“Partial-Birth Abortion” is not a medical procedure. It’s a political term for the Intact D&E procedure, which, practically speaking, is hard to get, expensive, and beside the point if the letter writer wants to keep her baby—which I assume she wants to do, since she didn’t indicate otherwise.

I think it’s just that it was still being built—the siding isn’t on yet.

Someone from the staging team actually made the determination that it would be necessary to vacuum the living room in an arc, so that the grooves in the carpet would follow the curve of the NIGHTMARISH PAISLEY SOFAS.

These responses are BAFFLING to me. Expecting a father to care for a child that he knows is coming anyway, that was conceived in good faith before she was aware that this side thing was happening, is not a “punishment.” It’s exactly the parenting that he signed up for.

At seven months??

Any money/resources that he would be using to care for their child are money and resources that he should be using regardless of their marital status. She’s not taking anything from him that isn’t already part of the deal of having children.

“Use him” how? Use him to help raise a baby that is just as much his as it is hers? That’s his responsibility ANYWAY, and it’s much easier—for both of them—if they’re both living under the same roof during those insane early months, so that they can work in concert. It’s not “horrifically abusive” to expect a father

It’s really weird to see this happening in an UCC church, which is a generally liberal, thoughtful, sane denomination. I wonder what the backstory is on this congregation.

My main argument here is with the idea that you can make mashed potatoes “in no time at all.” You’re clearly half-assing your mashed potatoes, here. If you want a potato that’s going to fit in to this schedule, you’ll need to go for a simple roasted potato that you can just toss in with the chicken.

Rumor has it that he also calls her the full Sarah Jessica.

Oh God. Yes. God. It sometimes happens in my job that people start hitting me up for tickets to shit, and I HATE it. The only good part is the feeling of satisfaction you get from deliberately withholding tickets from terrible people.