
Have the Cubs encased any balls in plastic recently?

But how will I learn about the “unbalanced infield” in baseball?!

How much does Samer get paid for writing those lazy Cardinals articles?

Yeah, you’re thinking of Cubs fans, but ok.

That’s totally fine to feel that way too. I’m not here to try and change your mind. You drew up the Bible as a comparison and contrast to my joke about wiping my ass with a copy of Dianetics; I’m not arguing that the bible is the greatest book ever written, only that it’s consider worthy literature to many outside of

That’s totally fine to feel that way too. I’m not here to try and change your mind. You drew up the Bible as a

To each their own, you apparently read the Book of Job and found it of little interest. I cited a specific book/story of the bible that I find highly interesting as literature.

To each their own, you apparently read the Book of Job and found it of little interest. I cited a specific

“Why do you feel this to be the case? Why is the Bible more “worthy literature” than Dianetics?” I’m not really singling out the Bible here as much as I’m singling out Dianetics. For instance, without the Koran, we don’t get Rushdie’s Satanic Verses, easily one of my favorite novels of all-time. Without Dianetics,

“Why do you feel this to be the case? Why is the Bible more “worthy literature” than Dianetics?” I’m not really

I can only describe my personal experience but I find a whole lot of the Old Testament to be a pretty damn entertaining read. Have you ever read the Book of Job? Holy shit, it’s good, and fucked up as all hell.

I can only describe my personal experience but I find a whole lot of the Old Testament to be a pretty damn

OMG HOW WILL I WATCH MY VHS TAPES AND HOOK UP MY NINTENDO! Are you asshats all seriously this butt hurt that a 50yr-old tech was finally. mercifully, phased the fuck out?!

Have you seen the tampons they make from virgin dreadlocks?

Have you seen the tampons they make from virgin dreadlocks?



I’m a dad with a pretty standard dad body and I get tired as fuck carrying my 3 year-old around all the time. Add in a broken arm, and a mountain...

I’m equal opportunity here. Though if you remove the dogma from the bible, it tends to still be worthy literature. Not sure I would say the same for Dianetics.

I’m equal opportunity here. Though if you remove the dogma from the bible, it tends to still be worthy literature.

Now playing

I got a letter from the government, the other day...

Bigger federal loan/tax credit harvester:

