
And... How is that not a good thing???

Best of luck to you. My wife came to the conclusion she only loved me as a friend when I was 28 and began that process. Ex wife I guess I should say. just do whatever it is that makes you happy. Don’t pull a me and still be heart broken 3 years later, it really sucks! Not to mention a lot of friends and family will

Indeed it is. I worked in Kent for a very brief time and it was exactly as you described. Throw in the fact it’s also one of the few remaining racist enclaves in the area and quitting that job was an easy decision. What year were you? I was 2004. F&F came out when I was a freshman so by my senior year things had

Those are dope!

Ok that’s just the back of an ugly ass leg with a wig put around it!!!! Nice try though

Shit, you grew up in Kent?! I had no idea you were from here. Hilltop ftw tho, Kent is a... Unique place ;)

What?!? She only wants the DVDs? What is this, 2003, why no Blu-rays? Surely if she doesn’t have a Blu-ray player she can, wait for it... Wait for it.... Add it to this list!

I just got off work... The numbers are still very clearly in opposition to your stance... And we’ve got both East AND West coast workers off by now, sooooo.....

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.... Ya, that’ll happen ;)

You’re dumb and you should feel dumb.

Don’t read it then. Holy shit man, who fucking made you click?!? From now on you should go to yahoo.autos and Breitbart news if this was so offensive... Oh ya, and eat a bag of shit flavored dicks ;)

So conflicted in starring this. Obviously you won out. See ya in hell pimpin ;)

Please don’t let your dream die. Email me at fuck@yes.com please. I’d love to take my nephew and his friends there for his upcomingbirthday if you’re in my area... K? Thannnnxxxxbyeeee!


Whomp, whooooooomp!

2.5.3. till I d.i.e. bitches ;)

All of it. All of the peroxide.

Bahaha that is horribly and awesomely funny. What a guy!

Burnnnnnnnn!!!!! Not even Pontiac Aztek ugly.. . That’s harsh brother! I love it!

I bet! How could you not miss that car?!? It is like the epitome of amazingly gorgeous dope ass car that ... literally NEED but will probably never again be able to afford because as I finally save up enough the market fucks me over... AGAIN... And prices rise another $10,0000...