
Don’t be a jerk. Isn’t this what teen week is? Besides, Alanis doesn’t want to be on Jezebel, that’s why she’s one of the better writers on jalopnik.

Indeed. I imagine their search history is extremely “notable”. So much so that the microwave plugged in across from their desk is not for Hot Pockets, but rather hard drives and USB sticks.

Is it OK to snitch if it’s on the police? I’m facing quite the moral dilemma here. To be safe I think I’ll err on the side of caution because after all, snitches get stitches and the po-lice be the biggest gang I know 🤐

You forgot one part smarty pants... He needs to roll all his car windows down for the maximum effect ;)

Holy shit. If that’s real just.... Wow

Hahaha what the fuck! That’s amazing and now I’m thinking someone really did use this video as a tutorial to change their oil

No. No it is not. I feel bad for you, but mostly think you’re just a piece of shit. So there’s that, and I’ll gladly leave it next to that pile of ATM cash for you to pick up and find.

Who said I’m anti PC? I’m just anti anyone that fucks up my short drive and turns it into a much longer one


But some of them are. Don’t you think it’s best to let them get there and not impede them? Let the police sort it out, because some of them, even if it’s small, are in the middle of a genuine emergency

Haha, this is so true

I believe you are correct sir. She has most definitely crossed over that line and entered the physically aggressive realm

Oh you’re very right. I was just calling her a Seattlite since I’m one and was passing through. She’s probably just normal angry American and doesn’t try to hide it, obviously, ha

Heh heh... Maybe

So she’s the asshole that ruined my drive last night! After I was finally up close enough I was very confused trying to figure out how this accident happened... And now I know! Just one more Seattlite being a passive aggresive prick that eventually explodes after years of bottling up their emotions in this PC


Oh! And another idea: stop being such a prick when you’re doing your “explaining”. That might help too bud ;)

So within the first 2 months of ownership I was in roughly $900 work, $500 parts, and $150 for a basic AAA membership after my first time being stranded. All this started just shy of two weeks after I got it. So I mean yeah, that SOUNDS bad, but then I was just about to hit two months.... So the shit that had been

Dear jalopnik staff,

Bahahahahahaha, that tv pushed me over the edge, just when I thought it couldn’t get better I scrolled slightly down and.... BAM!