
Holy hell, you’ve got a handsome dog. I think I like you officially a bit more ;)

But not by me ;)

Me too my cyber friend, me too.

How is nobody dying of laughter?!? Had I been on this plane I’d be laughing so hard there’s a good chance they’d be threatening my removal if I didn’t shut up.... Maybe I’m just a bad person :(

I like old Lincoln’s. Big ass boats of cars that just glide and float. And wouldn’t a modern Continental drop top with suicide doors be fun?

Seconded. Before I read anything and just saw the picture I thought this was gon be a Lincoln article, and I was happy cuz I love Lincoln’s and so want them to make a comeback!

I’m always sad I don’t have $30k right now ;)

Me too! The want is so fucking strong.

Well remember then, once you spend your first million and are no longer a millionaire... Call girls become prostitutes and cocaine becomes blow.

Oh yeah, I know. However, even knowing that, a 3.7 liter flat six making 340 HP still surprises me. That’s probably more powerful than 95% of all the N/A 3.5 - 3.7 liter 6s made in the last decade. That is freaking Powerful! Holy hell! This baby set up for the track has got to be incredibly light! I bet it is

Depends on how you spend it... I’d leave my life in a heartbeat and never return to the US if that was the price to pay for $1.5M tax free. I’d blow around $.5M partying with a couple cars and some insane vacations. The $1M I’d use on a non glamorous sustainable small business and a house. It’d be more than enough to

Have you not???

And while we’re on the subject, I’ll put them on there for a far bit less than the sales tax. Give me oh..... $100k and I’ll get ya set up nice! Hell! I’ll even handle the maintenance for 5 years or upon death/dismemberment (which ever comes first), deal?

Sadly no, however, I bet you could get someone to throw them on for less than the sales tax.

Right. And I second this.

What about call girls and cocaine?

Wait... A 3.7 liter straight six engine making 340 HP, from the 1950's?!? Were they really making that much power back then? I am shocked and impressed if so. My 3.5 liter 6 barely makes 300 HP... 50 years later, haha

I think Danny Devito could act the hell out of this. At this point in his career he has decades of amazing acting experience across an insanely wide range of characters. Throw in the last ten years of him having fun on its always Sunny in Philadelphia, playing a character that is suspiciously very similar to Ailes,

I expected a:

Haha, right? She’s not even waiting for them to finish their thoughts anymore. From now on if the first five words look like they could be going towards a Hillburn then.... BAM! KAPOOIE!!! +1 (more) Killary