
Right? His perversion with young girls he can’t seduce on his own but still feels entitled to is I mean, like totally the same thing as someone needing a newly but slowly being accepted medicine in order to not be sick to the point of debilitation. Totally.

While I agree with you in that context, I’ve also been happily arguing for years, Sean is not talking about adults. I agree with him fully in that had I been in a relationship at 20 with arguing, it’s time to get out. At 20 you should be with people that make you happy all the time... No?

It’s like an R rated Cars, where Pixar’s finest stalk you before inevitably sucking your soul through an illogical intercooler

Ewwwwwwww! heh heh, nice :)

Haha, God that is dark

I am so so sorry for your partner. Nobody deserves to die this way. I hope you are able to grieve and continue on with life despite this horrible event. I am truly sorry for your loss. I’d hug you if I could...

No, no you don’t... Especially if you recently had or will soon need a tow ;)

A red ringed of death Xbox 360 ;)

Heh heh

Right? That is seriously impressive. I worked for a local company under contract with the stadium, but everything else was controlled by aramark. Can definitely confirm they have very little moral currency.

Not really. He was making a comment about our country, not this lady in particular.

Yes, the fine is more than it would’ve cost to do it properly. However, not by enough. It’s not a punishment if all they have to pay is slightly more than what they would have owed. It should be 100x what the cost would’ve been. They cant properly clean the polluted water at this point and that is the problem. There’s

Ya I misread that, I thought that’s what they were referencing. I collect coins and bars, but what I’ve never seen anything close to the standard bar size to buy privately. You can get fairly large silver bullion, but still not even that big. At least what I’ve seen. It’d be pretty sweet to get a full silver

That is actually a brilliant idea... The claim. Also once you work that angle, selling off a few thousand a month, fora year or so you would probably have a much better chance of selling it a ll through new gold contacts!

Seconded. Let’s get this on the next national ballot!

Not really... He’s implying the standard gold brick... As in the size national banks keep on hand, they are standardized for that reason.

Heh heh, nice 😆 I actually do the same thing... Purposefully spell words or use punctuation wrong on the ones that always brings out the rage and/or need to educate in people. It’s great. I usually get more responses from a misspelled your/there than any other comment, ha... No matter how predictable it is... It

Yup... The “Family” obviously has houses/apartments all over the world and he probably has a main residence he has claimed as his personal house and then can stay at some of the other places. My guess of $10-15k is strictly like a child’s allowance. Parents pay for all the big stuff, allowance is for the extras. As a

Haha. Well then, that settles it. Based on this I am going to go with this man is the slimiest slime, ever to ooze his way out of a cesspit. i willb even officially go on the record to proclaim this man’s number of redeeming qualities is below:

Hahahahahahaha thanks 😂😂😂😂😂