
Right? The fallout from solid irrefutable proof that Putin’s Russia committed cyber warfare to change the winner of a united States presidential election would be terrifying. I mean, I’m sure some would be considering it an act of war. How does the US respond to that? A physical response with the military? A political

I don’t think anyone was personally attacking you, you just happen to be in the group of losers (I’m also a loser, I just fall in a different group than you at this stage of my grief :/) that is still in the so violently sad you are sick stage of grief. But have hope! Because once you finish that stage you move onto

And now if they can prove that he TRULY thought the child had a gun (even if he didn’t have one, as long as he honestly believed the child had one) and he feared for his personal safety.... He will walk away with at most manslaughter or some bullshit, if not just straight walking away free due to him murdering the

And really this is for no other reason than in the excitement/fear of the moment the one shooting is going to shoot at the easiest target. The biggest target on a person is their torso. I wish this wasn’t the case, and wish even more that real life was like a movie in that people could shoot guns out of hands/hit

Right? I’m confused too. He’s obviously a giant piece of shit... But did the kid have a gun too? If he did... Idk... But dude mentions twice that the kid has a gun during these confrontations, but the article never mentions him having a gun aside from those two quotes. Regardless, this is tragic, and even if he did

Ya man... It’s crazy how easy it is to get SO deep into it without meaning to. Just all the sudden you have the realization that ‘holy hell, I’m doing heavy opiates... Daily... I’m a fucking junkie’... And then its too late. Thanks though, I need to stop using life as an excuse, but I really do appreciate that. I’m

And now for the twist....

I think so. If you stayed sober this past month, I think you’re as ‘cured’ as can be haha. But in all seriousness, congratulations! That really is awesome. These last few years have been rough on me. I had 5 years and then got back in it after my divorce and ever since it’s just been back and forth. I just got over

Yes :( same as you. Thank God the one thing that I said I’d never do and for once didn’t end up doing it was using a needle. All the other things I swore I would never try, I of course, tried. Never a needle though and that is probably the only reason I’m not dead. How are you doing with everything? How long do you

I was 12 when I made my decision.

I was given the choice of where to live at 12. Believe it or not, but children are old enough to make some decisions on their own that their parents should accept before they turn 18.

Right?!?! Wondering the same thing over here...

Wow. One more reason I love reading your work Kristin, you just gave me a new set of albums to search and listen! Thanks gorgeous! This song freaking rocks! And you now officially rock as well K-dog!

Haha, so perfect. I’m glad he’s doing a good job.

*down here* where my good friend is that? What is the strange drink called?

If you have to rely on a drug to drive.... Do the right thing and smoke some crack.

Me too! That was my only goal/hope for this whole Trump U thing.... Damn :( fucker would’ve gotten so caught up once under oath!

Before I even get started on reading...

That is exactly what I got out of this. So basically a 34 year old rich and powerful man fucked a drug addled and addicted girl 2 years more than half his age. Why are we applauding this revelation?

Dude, that is some cold shit. Nobody deserves a burn that brutal. That’s jump off a bridge in a forest where nobody will ever find you level of pain. Hopefully he never reads that.