

Depends, honestly. If they were drunk and /or driving recklessly? Probably... For a normal type of speeding? Probably not.

If I’m wrong then that’s complete bullshit but.... Where I’m from it’s only 20 mph for school zones. And that is only active during school, so if that was the case and children were present then to me it seems deserved.... So, was it a school zone?

What about say, just grabbing the women I like by the pussy? I agree with you Joanna, and have the experience to back it up... Election night blues, and the burned5x gf wanted some burned 5x to try and lift her spirits. Completely sober, and honestly for the first time ever (while sober), I couldn’t get it up. Too

Thank you. You’re the best.

And a super special fuck you (them, not you) from Large’s new special cyber friend Alex. Fucking dick wipeholefaces. And I truly am sorry for what your sister will now have to go through :( stay strong Large :/

I feel the same way! I really just need someone to hold me. Also my mind is really starting to take some odd turns since I sniffed the night away after it was obvious orangemania was gon win and then I went to work and now I’m drinking and still haven’t slept.... I just wanna be held , is that really too much to ask

Ha, that’s the first thing I noticed too


A real bad ass would’ve made it work in one trip... Clown car style ;)

But like HOW? I can see fitting maybe 10, 12 people tops in that thing. I guess a couple more if they’re lying down in the backseat. True, the trunk is pretty big.... But SEVENTY people in one 7 series? That just seems impossible, but what do I know. Maybe people are just smaller on that side of the world?

Before I finish what is so far a great piece, I just want to their out what I’m 99% positive Brian grey muttered after he asked what you wanted from BR. By saying you wanted then to leave you prepared for a major media company, you were insulting him, and all your co-workers by insinuating that you had no faith in BR

I was in a much better mood until I read his extremely valid point... :(

I just said the same thing. This gives me hope for change.

Wow. After all these months of straight up horrid fucking news... This. This right here gives me faith that times may really be changing for the better. Or at the least, moving in that direction. Wish I didn’t need to say this, but I’m taking about the very strict and harsh punishment to a promising soccer team and

Hm.. pretty sure I bought my ex wife that bra .. it didn’t have the bow thing on the front tho, so maybe not if that was attached....

Close, but wrong. Quit slandering the man you plebian! It’s CRACK, foo! Musk keeps it going with crack cocaine! 

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