
There *is* another side. Some of the same people praising Watt for fundraising normally hate the idea of people receiving unearned welfare for their personal hardships. It is absolutely political. Do you think any of these people would be lauding Watt if he were funding rent for single mothers who work at McDonald’s?

We’ve Talked It Over, And Your Mother And I Think Military School Would Do You Some Good, Internet!

I never understood that. Just because they see black people killing black people doesn’t give license for EVERYONE to do it.

Also, Ben Roethlisberger is 35 and has openly flirted with retirement,

“...You will soon be able to see Nicole Kidwoman in Sofia Coppola’s much-buzzed-about film The Beguiled.”

Seems ... low?

And apparently not Kaepernick...

I mean, butt fumble is a classic no move move. Although, it must be pointed out that the NFL is racist, and collusive, as fuck.

Potential 2017 Jets starter Brock Osweiler.

Every single Republican, and I am not just talking politicians, but regular people too, who doesn’t, at the very least, back away slowly from this lunatic, is a traitor to this country. That sounds like hyperbole, I know, but it isn’t.

Wouldn’t be the first time in Waco.

i truly appreciate your levity in relation to her gravidity.

Brevity is...... wit

We Canadians will gladly help smuggle Mexican goods back down to the US hidden in barrels of maple syrup.

I might be coming at this slightly uninformed - but wouldn’t a tax on these goods just be passed along to the consumer in the form of higher prices for these goods? So, in effect, we’re still paying for the wall out of our own pockets?