I read articles like these on here and I just cannot believe that they actually need to be written. It’s like a laugh that peeters out into a sob and a groan.
I read articles like these on here and I just cannot believe that they actually need to be written. It’s like a laugh that peeters out into a sob and a groan.
... that’s a really good point, actually. Thanks for pointing it out.
No, no, it’s still on. I listen to the awesme theme tune all the time. And then I switch to something less grating and ridiculous.
Because Magic.
... as a brick.
Why would you respect an office when the person actually holding the office isn’t respectful of it?
I don’t see why it should be included in this discussion. Since it’s a whole different subject. You know, outside of this discussion. You only hear about black-on-black crime when it’s used as a way to dilute the discussion about police violence. Other than that nobody seems to give a fuck.
Also: snow is white.
Oh, look, it’s the KKK ... K?
Not anymore.
And don’t you dare take a knee during the national anthem.
Technically he’s correct which I’m informed, is the best form of correct.
There should be a special place in hell for competitive eaters.
... oy. Don’t mess with Rory.
She can’t sing for beans, though.
That’s what he said.
Gotta catch ‘em all, right?