
For what it’s worth, Arndt and Jonsson are Swedish. While the US is the worlds most individualistic country, Sweden doesn’t lag far behind, often ranking in the top five most individualistic countries. Being Swedish myself, I would say that we are perhaps more inclined to step in when a crime occurs not because of

In the dark. As they rode by. They see the activity behind the dumpster. Something seems wrong about it to them. They turn back to investigate. They intervene. They call for help. They hold the perpetrator until the authorities arrive. They provide eyewitness testimony. They don’t seek the limelight, in fact they shun

If you have read her statement, you will see that she says pretty much exactly what you did about acknowledging her. If he had ever shown any remorse, apologized or treated the act as anything more than “oops, I drank too much” - that’s all she wanted/needed. But to dig in and go for the “now I talk about the dangers

“A nearby surveillance camera shows multiple cars passing by the scene as Di Pietrantonio screamed for help. Monteleone notes that had someone stopped, her life might have been saved.”

“Let’s get the factual facts out there. She’s [Jannie Ligons] not innocent the way people think she is. She had a bust in the ‘80s … But we couldn’t present that to the jury... This is not a woman that’s, you know, a soccer mom or someone that’s credible in society.”

Just another bullet-ridden day in the good ole US of A.

Anyone who tries to spank me will never spank anything again. I don’t find spanking to be erotic or loving at all; in fact I find it to be the opposite. These films say that women need to be kept in line by men; even if they must do so through the use of physical violence. It is reflective of a parent-child

Buncha comments about dude’s boners right next to comments by women about how fucking nausea-inducingly terrible this is. THANKS DUDES WITH BONERS.

Right? Seems only fair. The next time someone catcalls me on the street, can I shoot them? The next time someone grabs at my clothes on the subway, can I smash their face in with a brick? The next homeless dude who yells that he wants to have sex with me when I walk by, can I beat his head in with a tire iron, or

Ain’t that the truth? Men are always getting violent because a woman embarrassed him, or beat him at something, or hurt his fee-fees. This freaked me out:

It bothers me that so many of these MRA types accuse feminism of not doing enough for men when they could be out getting stuff done themselves. Getting rid of the feminists won’t stop women from making fun of mustaches, but he’d rather complain about them than put any effort himself into correcting supposed double

Trump really struggles when he’s asked to give specifics. He’s like Lois on Family Guy when she runs for mayor and all she shouts is “9/11" and people cheer. I genuinely try and pay attention during GOP debates and when he’s forced to give specifics on virtually anything he instead shouts buzzwords and is completely

I live in Cambodia, and we have a term for this: Accidental Sex Tourist.

It’s incredibly common. People have this thing where they think they are omg sooo speshul with their blonde hair and accents whilst abroad. Some guy lures them in by telling them they are the most beautiful thing in the entire world, meanwhile he scams them out of thousands and in some cases millions of dollars. Just

Well the tournament’s kind of boring right now so I’ll feed the troll.

This is the thing I don’t get. Why is no one denying it? Surely if it were not something related to sexual assault, Montague would want his name cleared, right? Anything else he could have been expelled for would be better than sexual assault.

No fucking way this will go anywhere. Ideologically, maybe, but where is the money going to come from? Schools are shutting down and there has been a pay freeze for teachers for the last decade. The school my mom teaches at has extended the school day so they have fewer days per year because they can’t afford the

Do people forget that they were put on this show as babies?

Yeah, but why should they? They were put on the show as babies, they had no say in the matter.

Yeah, I expect when enough men start to realize that every sperm donor or married man fathering a child out of wedlock will be named on the record, this will get shut down.