Maybe she doesn’t want to bone him. She should probably have a little say in the matter.
Maybe she doesn’t want to bone him. She should probably have a little say in the matter.
The current teams writing Joker and Harley have been pretty bad, and missing the point for years: their “relationship,” such as it is, is never over. That’s where the comedy and tragedy of it ring truest. And I don’t know who that is up there, but that isn’t the Joker. He’s some half-baked caricature of an abusive…
Him wanting to wouldn’t translate to “they should” though. He’s a short, chubby forty-ish married man with young kids. How many supermodel-looking mid-twenties women do you know who are looking for that?
Or, he’s just an spoiled, entitled asshole.
How is everyone so certain he’s developed mental illness when he has ALWAYS been an egomaniacal tantrum-throwing spoilt child?
This Joker seems less like the Joker and more like some fetish-ized abusive ex-boyfriend setup so the main character can show how strong she is now.
I think men would have a lot more success on dating sites if they stopped being fucking creepy on them. You know why I stopped online dating? Because 90% of the messages I got from men either began with A) a derogatory comment about other women (“Boy, it’s nice to see a girl who reads!”) B) a comment about my…
Holy fuck, the mental gymnastics you have to go through to make this about you are amazing. It’s like looking at a schizophrenic’s journal.
If a man can’t get a date it’s because women feel there’s something off or creepy about him. Fat guys, short guys, bald guys, old guys, etc. still manage to find women. After all, most women don’t look like supermodels. They can’t get tall, handsome guys because for many women good looking guys are out of their…
I am a male, and in all fairness, I have to advise you to suck it up and grow a pair. It’s this kind of perceived victimhood that causes the hostility.
This is also the sort of thing that jumps out at me whenever I see feminist-naysayers on the internet arguing that Western women don’t get to complain because women in, say, the middle east have it so much worse than us. While they’re not wrong, that doesn’t mean we’re not affected by the same poisonous misogynistic…
But what do women in “first-world” countries have to be worried about??!1
Fuckin entitled babies. There’s so many of them, and it’s not like they all wear a sign so we know which dude is going to flip his switch and start killing when they hear no.
O’Kroley “wanted more,”
As someone who has been called a bitch numerous times by men while committing the unpardonable offense of doing my job, Ms. Autler handled this exactly right. It really gets under their skin when you’re calm or you laugh. I think they expect women to gently weep when called a bitch.
“Wahhhhhh, men can’t even have aggresive sex anymore, just another example of the pussification of society, wahhhhh”
And yet, if the “50 Shades” writer, something something James, had bothered with details, it probably would have read even more like a step-by-step recounting of a slow, painful tortuous murder, as recounted by the now-dead victim.
Dude, if you don’t want to see her tits and ass, then don’t follow her on instagram. No one is putting a gun to your head, forcing you to join social media. So nice try, but I’m not buying it. Oh, and if you’re talking about real life, please know this... No woman, no matter how much her tits or ass is hanging out was…
Um, there is a huge island between responding sexually to an attractive woman and sending an unsolicited dick pick. If you can’t tell the difference then you are an extremely socially uncoordinated individual. And as unfortunate as that may be, that is no one’s fault, or problem. Read this and understand: No woman who…
Not to mention, disciplining your child for having inappropriate boundaries about their body by assaulting their body is fucked up on so many levels.