
Have these people never gone to lunch with a coworker who just happens to be of the opposite sex? Is there the belief that dicks will just jump out and people will sweep the plates off the table and fuck madly?

How are people that come from around the world to visit landmarks and go to Vegas, uninvited, invading anything? They are willingly spending their money in a foreign country and then going home. Your ignorant and stupid “reason” shows just how bad this country had gotten. The stupidest voices in the room think they


Xcellent. I’m Xcited to xee what xtrange and interexting new xtories they deliver with this xeries. er, x. I’m xure they won’t be derivative retreads that xtart off promixing and then jump the mutant xhark by revealing that Magneto was Xorn all along and none of it really happened because Phoenix reached into the past

I think once you end up scheduling paparazzi appearances to photograph your private life, you can’t be surprised that people want more. He’s got every right to shut them down, it is his private life, but being a tool in public like that... He’s got to know his actions have consequences.

Absolutely. I’ve had that ‘socially punished’ thing for so many decades without ever understanding what was going on.... Whether or not you have have a label or diagnosis to ‘explain’ you to people, women/girls don’t get any kind of slack for not living up to that bizarro All-Caring All-Sacrificing Lady-Madonna

This makes me laugh because of how on point it is. A number of my female colleagues have been reprimanded at work for being “too emotional” (note: I’ve attended meetings in which men have flipped tables). I’m usually the one reminding them that their emotions are valid and they should be allowed to exhibit them — even

Men who think that they’re entitled to women’s bodies and react negatively when that entitlement is threatened are the worst.

I imagine discussion about casting has taken place in other articles, but...

Sure, Sharia Christianity. Funny how Christians scream about Sharia law but fail to realize all of the laws they want to pass are just the Christian versions of it.

We don’t fucking legislate your sexual behavior, don’t have an entire human history of trying to shame men for a natural bodily function to the point that in some parts of the world, it would cause men to have to drop out of school, and we certainly don’t come on comment threads telling you with authority all the tiny

you can have that argument when we spend the next 200+ years telling you what choices to make about your dick and balls

I mean, look at all those times that women have introduced legislation that controls men’s reproductive choices!! Look at all those political, social & cultural institutions that are controlled by women & constantly intrude on men’s issues! It’s only faaaaaair!

Could you point me to the last time a woman doctor, woman politician, or literally ANY woman dominated the conversation about “men’s issues” or dictated how male-specific healthcare should work? (We have no desire to do this, so yeah, I think it really does only apply one way in reality)

Obama proposed a massive infrastructure bill that would have gone to great lengths to repair things like bridges, roads, and... causeways.

Yes, I also think about how California gives more to the federal govt than it takes, supporting all the poorer middle states.

California pays more money in federal taxes than it takes in federal spending, but hey, nice try.

“No one alive today has ever been a slave or owned a slave in America.” 

Racism is first and foremost about power. White people are in power—politically, economically and culturally. Black people are not. That’s why we have words like “N****” but no word remotely to describe white people that carries the same resonance. No word says “You and your entire peoples are worthless, lazy, and

Can you imagine the uproar if white people were enslaved for hundreds of years, and after having been freed were still denied basic rights for another century, and then were denied the tools that would allow them to better their overall circumstance like decent education and access to housing and banking, and then