
Not to mention telling the kid “well your father was never charged with anything, so tough luck, you must be lying about the abuse” is INSANE. In family domestic cases reports of abuse and assault can go unreported for years out of fear of the abusers (or even to protect them in some cases) To use the fact that he was

Actually, when deconstructed, the transaction is far simpler: I’m paying him money to cook food that I will then consume. He can judge me all he wants, as long as the meat on my plate looks like I envisioned it when I placed the order. I am not doing it out of spite or to purposely “offend” him with my “rudeness”. I

Because boys have it so hard in the engineering world. This type of discouragement is exactly why girls end up abandoning STEM interests around 11 or 12 years old.

Insert the word “black” where the word “homosexual” appears in these kinds of cases, and suddenly you’ll realize how insanely stupid your question is.

If $135,000 seems like a lot just for emotional damages, it is worth noting that the baker did not just refuse them service. She also published the couple’s names and home address on the Internet and encouraged people to harass them. So there was much more emotional damage than just refusing them service.

As someone living in Oregon: I am completely ok with this fine. If this bakery had declined service to someone based upon race we would not be concerned that $135K is too high to send a message.

She was diagnosed with brain cancer by a fake doctor but managed to get real chemotherapy for this condition? Sounds likely.

I’m tired of people telling me what words I can and can’t use at work. I’ve recently made a conscious effort to stop saying “sorry” for innocuous stuff, and people have commented that I come across as “terse” or “cold.” But if I say “sorry” for the innocuous stuff, then people would think I’m weak. So what the hell am

Red flags went off for me when they mentioned the elementary schools asking her to leave. I’ve student taught and had student teachers in my school and if you as an advisor are more than a fly on the wall of the classroom, then that’s a big issue.

This is amazing. I have a friend who is an ornithologist (yeah for real) and she will die when she sees this!

1. Her job is to teach early childhood education. And lack of professionalism IS a reason to be fired because if she was working as a teacher in a kindergarten, you bet that parents would be calling for her to be fired.

Like, all those women in porn just looove black cocks. But when I whip it out in the middle of Walmart, suddenly they run away screaming. What am I doing wrong? Why don’t those bitches want to fuck me?

Or, Robert Rodriguez left his wife because he is an adult who makes his own decisions.

because it’s important to tell people who like MacFarlane that they have bad taste.

Kewl asshat can’t defend the mysogonistic practices and highlighted in this article but wants to be sure their hate and fear of and for women shines through so insults appearance. In a super lame way.

This is EXACTLY like people that just have to be purposefully saying it CHIPOLTEY.

Say you have a friend named Reese.

She got in trouble for fraud and endangerment, yep. Apparently you can get in trouble for selling fake drugs, though I don’t think the law is enforced too frequently. Most likely because not many people will report that kind of thing, “I tried to buy LSD from this girl but she only gave me paper and water!”.

Nah. I get the point she’s trying to get across. A weed brain and an ice cream cone (what the actual fuck??) isn’t tacky according to Dan, but he gets to decide her daughter’s name on her neck is. Right. Got it.

Just because you’re forgiven doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have done the appropriate punishment and that’s where the whole story about the Duggers gets me. He was NOT appropriately punished for this. Forgiveness is only one side of the coin here. How they state that ‘oh we cooperated with the police’ but in all honesty