
And I don’t understand why people continue to use this as a smoke screen, as though Ramsay and Sansa’s marriage was 1) inevitable within this particular plot and 2) the only way we could have possibly taken Sansa’s plot. I’m not mad that Ramsay acted like himself once he married Sansa. I’m angry that in all the

I seriously cannot believe how badly they fucked this up. I mean this is essentially what happened in the books to a different character that has been switched out for Sansa, but Jesus Christ, in one insane plot adjustment they managed to completely trash almost all of Sansa’s development so far and in my opinion

I like her so much, but I feel like she’s gotten to be such a legend in her own mind, and she’s so buried in her own mythology that she’s barely functioning. She is so hung up on her look that she is crammed into these skin tight laced up gowns, those tottery high heels, weighted down by the mass of magic hair, and

I know she only recently hired an all new team but could someone not sit down with her and say the whole thing about I stopped counting age at 17 and wearing the smallest clothes she can squeeze into should be consigned to the past. And that you need to rehearse for your shows and show up on time to commitments. She

It attracts wealthy Black people because they think their money insulates them from the problems us regular Negroes deal with. I don’t know how any non-wealthy Black person who is actually aware of what the hell goes on in this country could possibly find the new black narrative attractive.

Thank you. I am a little taken aback by the number of responses here that basically equate to: “Tough luck, the syllabus is the syllabus, so suck it up and get naked in front of your professor because art.” Ummmmm, no. And it’s not OK just because there is a substitute requirement to “get emotionally naked.”*

I do know something about art and I am a performance artist and this is just ridiculous and offensive. No one should have to perform naked in a college course at any age or level. The dude is clearly a pervert who is totally getting off on this. This is absolutely unnecessary. I also happen to have taught a little,

Except he kinda did. He used his police powers to look-up personal information and addresses of women. This goes into it more: http://jezebel.com/5990151/cannib… . I get not prosecuting people for fantasy, but feel that abuse of powers to aid in gathering personal information combined with searches on how to make and

Nope, you must not have ever had a dude take liberties with touching your body (our bodies are NOT public property, EVEN WOMEN’S BODIES. NOT EVEN IF ITS A COP), it happens to me all the time. Nice job trying to explain away FUCKING CREEPY AS SHIT TOUCHING. Maybe it will happen to you the next time you try to exist in

You can’t just go around touching people if you think they have something. You can legally search them if it’s a situation where you can legally search them, or you can back the fuck away.

So this cop decides to abuse his power to poke at/harass a girl because he feels like it, her friend tries to legally film this behavior to get him to stop, three(!) cops attack him.

Over the last couple of years, I have gotten angrier and angrier about this issue. A long time ago, I had to terminate a much-wanted pregnancy because of eclampsia, and there was a delay of a couple of weeks, thanks to my kindly old OB/GYN, may he burn in hell, because, as he told my husband, he didn’t want to become

I will ask you for nudes/anal/cumshots and basically every other demeaning and/or painful thing I can think of. I will do it for your entire life. Nearly every other man on the planet will act the same as me. Every man you come in contact with will ask you for something you don’t want to give, and we will shout at

Ah, “prison rapes”. Move along folks, this is just some MRA looking to cloud the issue. Nothing of value here.

I’d say she’s in the same league as the actor playing her husband. But his looks aren’t important, right?

I don’t even know how to approach this. Because you have to be attractive to be funny? You have to be attractive to expose the disgusting underbelly of highschool rape culture? You have to be attractive to exist? What’s the hot take I’m supposed to glean from this comment?

Help what? Your constant masturbating?

We need to stop using cops’ fear as the standard by which we adjudicate whether or not they murdered someone when it clearly comes cheaper than Valentine’s Day candy on the 15th.

As a libertarian who thinks the government has an important role to play in deciding what happens inside uteruses, Rand Paul is in a strong position to make such arguments.