
This sort of guy truly truly believe the evolutionary psych crap about men growing better with age like a fine wine that sexy 18 year olds want.

Infinity stars!

You know what else shouldn’t be tax exempt? Any church!

You have no fucking idea why the other girl got in when you didn’t. Although it’s obvious that you sure as hell don’t let your ignorance stop you from making racist ass assumptions do you? Maybe they sensed your overblown sense of entitlement and decided that they’d overfilled their quota of entitled assshats?

Did your society lawyer husband also dress up?

The fact that this piece of shit expects us to believe he ever sets foot in a grocery store in your typical food desert makes me want to vomit.

Eh you ever actually had a gun shoved in your face? I was robbed at gunpoint a few months ago, and by the time said gun is in your face there is not much you can do. If you try and go for your gun, odds are you're going to have your fucking head blown off (unless the dude is very incompetent, or you are very lucky, or

"No, I'm prepared to defend myself and those around me"

I love how excited he is that he actually got the owl back outside, without it flying back at him! That is purely primal. You know cavemen did the exact same thing when they cleared their caves of some freaky dinosaur/insect thing.

But did you know why these people were upset/having a bad day? Maybe it was a tiny thing that would work out. Maybe someone they loved just died. Maybe they just got a horrible diagnosis. Maybe they just got fired and now can't afford things they really, really need, like, say, rent, or medication. Maybe they just got

No, telling them to fuck off is exactly the right response. It's exactly why flipping someone the bird was invented. Because fuck off, I don't want to smile, you ignorant, controlling fuckwit.

No. The government is not forcing your grandma to make cakes for gay people. Your grandma chose to sell cakes, and the government is allowing her to conduct business provided she abides by the law which says she cannot discriminate. If she wants to discriminate against gay people, the government can say she is

Boy, that story took a sharp right turn for the surreal with the bit about the federal government forcing grannies to bake cakes. That's some disturbingly tasty totalitarianism right there. Boooooo, jack-booted fascists! Yaaaaaay, buttercream frosting!

Re: the turns. When you're making a turn, you're supposed to stay in your lane! So that left-turner who drifted into his lane was totally in the wrong — they each had a lane to go into, and Lefty didn't take his lane. Same story on the right turns, if there are two lanes, our intrepid camera guy gets the outside lane

Look, asshole, my initial post was asking actual questions that were not made clear in this, the article I read and am commenting on.

Marriage licenses instead would be issued by any member of the clergy and signed by a court clerk; people who don't want to be married by a clergy member would only be able to obtain an "affidavit of common-law marriage."

Boys have to be 'classy' and get a short list of requirements. Girls have to be 'pretty' and 'feminine' and get 4 paragraphs of a morality sermon. Is bullsheet.

sorry, dad. The actual words support her posts, not yours.

Thanks for mansplaining to this woman how she's actually interpreting things.

"Choose an outfit that is pretty enough to show you are a woman and covered enough to show you are a lady."