
Yeah, I actually really liked most of Duncanville’s “new fridge” episode. The show’s uneven, but it’s grown on me. Some great visual gags, like last night when he threw the plunger at the wall and it stuck, and then he threw the other object at the wall and it also stuck. I wish AVClub would do some reviews!

Though the

Thank you for a much more genuine laugh than I had watching any of the episode.

I was 100% expecting her to use the magic maguffin.

“Oh, no! Narek killed one of our androids (while malnourished/tired/injured), and now he’s literally running away towards the Borg cube, which is several kilometres away! It’s too bad there’s no artificial beings here who don’t get tired or they could EASILY run after him and catch him - oh well.”

A lot of the episode was weirdly edited. There were so many jump cuts in Picard’s speech I feel like they had to cobble together several takes.

“...and she spent a lot of time with Picard... she probably bonded with Picard... we’ve seen hints of that...”

We have seen about 0.01% of any of that.

Oof. I couldn’t watch all of this. If it’s just a slice of family life, it should have been kept that way. But then he went into the truly awful monologue and I had to shut it off. It’s awkward and not in the right way... it’s like he’s reading it instead of performing it. But then again, maybe all Fallon’s monologues

I’m glad I wasn’t the only one having super deja vu at Flanders being a father-type figure to Bart. I actually had to look up the movie plot to ensure I wasn’t crazy.

You’re so right. There’s potential for allegory there. Why a leadership that constantly disrespects each other and allows corruption to thrive is doomed to fail. It seems like the show will only briefly touch on it.. just like how they are just briefly touching on what it means to be human when the main character is

I’d agree and argue the production is slightly off too. Most episodes feel like a couple of key scenes or reaction shots were straight up cut, while other scenes go on too long. I think this might partly be because of the freedom of streaming allowing for varied episode times, which (IMO anyway) also hurt a show like

What up with the break they’re taking again? No new ep until the end of March?

Careful! Wit like that and you’ll be head writer for the show!

If he’s changed, the onus is on the show to do a proper job at least showing a bit of the transition. One scene where he figures Starfleet will grant him a ship for one more mission does not equal “new Picard = arrogant”, no matter how loud the Starfleet admiral says “FUCKING”.

I would agree, and add that the show isn’t doing a good job with a lot of the fast-paced directorial choices. When Picard and his chateau crew are surprise-attacked, it’s an incredibly jarring transition for viewers that takes time to actually process. Even watching it back again it was done poorly, like the proper

Geez, I didn’t even really think of that. The plot waves it away by having the tracker be deactivated, but Picard himself was to-the-point demanding in the first episode that he doesn’t want to go back to the old crew and have them put themselves in danger for him. And then he chooses to go straight from imminent

I swear that there was a VERY similar Sound of Music sketch done on SNL, just recently. With the same joke about the age gap. Maybe it was from a couple years ago, but it seems baffling they would bring back almost the exact same sketch. Or maybe my memory is tricking me.

“Okay, guys, okay. Okay. Listen to me - okay, listen. So what if we made a movie - listen to me - LISTEN - what if we made... if we made a movie, and in the movie...... the dad...... was....... pants. The dad was pants. A movie where the dad is pants. Right? Am I right? Look, am I... am I right?”

Not particularly a fan after the first episode. The show kind of needs to pick a lane. It’s really cheesy, with at least a couple sight gag jokes that are literally just the things the characters just said (“Duncan runs funny” - cut to Duncan running funny; “nothing fun in this town” - cut to “fun in town” amusement

4chan is full of disgusting people, and yeah, a lot of right wing trolling in particular. It’s a little weird that SNL would specifically give Bernie Sanders grief over it in this particular case, when 99% of their Bernie impression jokes are normally just that he’s old. It’s like they skimmed an article about

The “trot out very bad political impressions” cold openings are getting real tiring. I actually want to see Family Feud come back, because at least they try to pick groups of people that the cast HAS impressions for.