“I really don’t know what a comedy show’s “take” on Donald Trump that would make people like the reviewer happy but still actually get laughs look like.”
The President Show.
“I really don’t know what a comedy show’s “take” on Donald Trump that would make people like the reviewer happy but still actually get laughs look like.”
The President Show.
Why this review though? You got the B-plot wrong... the rat was obviously alive and they had to take care of it. No mention of any of the guest voices? No mention of ANY OF THE MUSICAL NUMBERS? Some great callbacks too, like Boo Boo showing up at the end and Louise going crazy. The animation was fantastic in some of…
“John Goodman hasn’t always been entirely present this season, but here he demonstrates just how torn Dan is about his decision—he can’t quite look Chuckie in the eye.”
It looked to me a little like a Yu-gi-oh/Pokemon mashup. I loved the animation with the camera spinning around Louise and the super slow framerate. It was a great sendup and I want to see more of both this card game universe, and Kuchi Kopi!
What a contrast, watching the season finales of The Simpsons and Family Guy and then the two new episodes of Bob’s.
I really did try to give Amy Schumer a chance in this one. But that monologue was awful. I think Amy KNEW it was going sort of badly, and that’s why she ended with a shoutout to her movie role, just to get some pity applause. Frankly, the show just didn’t put enough effort into crawling back from the monologue. The…
Is... is this the first episode with Aziz Ansari since the #metoo/babe.net stuff? I’m honestly not sure how to feel about it, even if he only had like 3 lines.
A good sense of humor has an overt anti (modern) Simpsons bias.
Tina was still thrashing in her sleep! I love how details like that are srongly bolded and at the top of character reference charts at the show’s production HQ.
None of them got the Canadian accent right. There’s a fine line between sounding Canadian and sounding Swedish and most of the time people seem to vault right over the former to the latter.
Not going to beat around the bush... this was an awful episode. It struggled to hold my attention. The NRA bit was really great, and Kenan’s bartender zipping himself up into a body bag, and perhaps that’s about it. Leading off with Baldwin’s lazy, pointless, stupid Trump never helps, but Barkley just yawned through…
Usually Kyle is much better, but that bit didn’t land at ALL. Colin and Che just weren’t playing their parts well enough or with the proper timing for it to come together properly.
Barkley doing better than Alec Baldwin is not a very high bar.
I loved this part of the movie. Again, so many modern blockbusters are a visual and audio assault on the senses, which is fine sometimes, but then when you add a moment of stillness, the contrast can really make it more powerful. This scene felt a bit inspired by the way anime sometimes shows off devastating attacks,…
I’m not an X-Files fan at all. I really have seen hardly any of the show - I know the characters a bit from pop culture references, and the most I’ve seen is an episode and a half from this season, only half paying attention. I caught almost all of this episode and laughed my head off. The alternate theme song, the…
Netflix DOES have Star Trek in Canada. I’ve re-watched all of TNG and DS9 on it, and from a quick search it has the other serieses as well, even the animated one. The only one it’s missing is Discovery. And I’m not getting CraveTV just for one show, sorry.
Why would you write this whole article and not even MENTION that there is another game in the series on the way to the Switch?
What a brutal episode! I usually skip new Simpsons airings, but decided to watch this one fully before Family Guy / Bob’s Burgers. There were a few good gags, but the story was a total trainwreck. When the end credits abruptly came on, I had to look at my phone to see what time it was, because I was absolutely SURE it…
I’m pretty sure they said in interviews they actually are going to animate it VERY quickly so that they can stay on time with the frenetic pace of the current administration. So who knows. It looks like it’d be a bit tougher to animate compared to South Park though.