Tiny key word there. Still nearly 50% of the state voted for a child molester. So let’s be careful before we go praising the forward thinking nature of Alabama
Tiny key word there. Still nearly 50% of the state voted for a child molester. So let’s be careful before we go praising the forward thinking nature of Alabama
“Having said all that, I think we need to look at the reasons why people voted third party and didn’t vote for Hillary. That needs to be addressed by the Democratic Party.”
“I am democrat in NYC and am guilty of this myself. We have been lucky to live in a place where we have had a stable economy and jobs - most of America is not like here or Silicon Valley.
“Those 46 electoral votes would put her at 274 and him at 230. Either we go whole hog on coalition style government or not, but a total of about 120,000 votes decided this election.”
Trump is president-elect. I can do damn-well whatever I want without repercussions! Let the anarchy begin.
Britons: “Brexit is the most insane idea ever. No country would ever do something more self-sabotaging than this”
“I have never seen such intolerance to people than I have seen from Hillary supporters toward Trump supporters. Oh yes, it went both ways but it should not have gone both ways as the Hillary supporters were telling everyone how inclusive they were and how much more sensitive they were all the while spitting the same…
“After that you would be just another asshole Yinzer showing off how unbelievably lucky you were to have been born a Pittsburgh fan.”
I bet there is zero chance that the chick with curly bleach blond hair in the foreground is painfully smoking hot
I got married on June 5, 2004 - the day Smarty Jones was going for the triple crown. I don’t live in Kentucky, mind you, so its not like my friends and family are die hard horse racing fans. As we are trying to get people to sit down for dinner, we notice about 50 or so guests are missing. They crowded in the…
If it is in Wheaton, how is it possible that every single one of these was not stolen in the first day they were released?
Trump - Don’t judge me based on what I said 10 years ago. But do judge me on my amazing and terrific business record over the last 20 years. Oh yeah, also don’t forget to judge Bill Clinton (for those that forget, he is not the candidate for president) on what he did 20 years ago.
Well at least hockey is starting soon, go Caps.
+1. Midwest_Elitist gets it. Anyone who thinks the government is looking out for the little guy is naive at best. Congress is a self-serving group of egomaniacs and the personnel within agencies are mostly worried about their own jobs. As someone that has lived in the DC area for 30+ years but never worked in or…
On the wedding planning, the best advice I ever got was to hone in on one random item, say processional music, make a decision, dig in your heels, and INSIST on something horrible - “honey, it would be great to walk down the aisle to Billy Idol’s ‘White Wedding’, then leave the wedding to Notorious B.I.G. ‘I’m…
On the wedding planning, the best advice I ever got was to hone in on one random item, say processional music, make a decision, dig in your heels, and INSIST on something horrible - “honey, it would be great to walk down the aisle to Billy Idol’s ‘White Wedding’, then leave the wedding to Notorious B.I.G. ‘I’m fucking…
Who would have thought he could be neck and neck with Clinton. Its unreal. Trumps success is more of an indictment on how unpopular/distrusted Clinton is than anything else. Dems could put a warm turd on the ticket besides Clinton and be dominating this ass-clown. Best case scenario, that will never happen, would be…
The vast majority of African Americans are good, hard working people. To say “all African Americans are criminals”, I think we can agree, is inherently wrong and bigoted. I would also say the vast majority of police are good, hard working people. Why is it acceptable to blame police as a whole based on the atrocities…
I’m 5'11" so air travel is the one aspect of life where being > 6' tall works for me, so can’t empathize with the pain in the ass of flying at 6'5". I just find it humorous whenever someone doesn’t like something done by BIG INDUSTRY their first go to is “get the government involved to fix it.” Maybe that knee jerk…
Nice slippery slope there buddy. What shall the government dictate for us next? On the topic of travel - airport food sucks. How about a federal ban on shitty and overpriced airport food? How about a maximum number of calories that can be in an order of french fries?