BurgerMeister MeisterBurger

According to the NY Times (as of a few minutes ago), roughly 22,000 voters wrote in another candidate. I’m assuming these voters are staunch republicans with some conscience left in them — which begs the question: what does that say about the moral compass of the 639,000 people who voted for Roy Moore?

Mike Pence is worse than Donald Trump.

A huge problem that we have to overcome is that fact that that liberals, especially in the east coast, don’t know better and cant assume that other Americans will make the “right choice” when it comes to certain issues.

hahaha more salty libs. Thinking that us libertarians would have voted for her even if we hadn’t voted for Johnson. When will you understand that our votes would not have gone her way... trust me.

As a minority in the LGBT community I spent last night crying but today we need to stand strong and show that we can come together and put a halt to this before it is too late.

I woke this morning extremely confused. In theory as a Repub I should be happy, but I’m not. I can not believe the country could possibly be this stupid, but yeah actually I can.

You really going to demonize me because I liked neither Trump or Clinton and voted for the Libertarian ticket with the hope of expanding a two party system to add more alternatives? I understand you are demoralized with the results, but these sorts of tantrums and talking in absolutes that condemn people with

I think he did. If anything Johnson most likely helped make this closer for Hillary than it otherwise would’ve been. Trump won whether Gary Johnson existed or not.

The vote did not go the way I voted but I can see why this guy won. The current political system is broken and people made the choice to do “anything” other than business as usual. People are not “horrible people” because they made a different choice than you. People wanted change. Sound familiar?

It’s Trump’s America - I guess everything will be the black guy’s fault now.

Looking at the close states, be sure to thank those that voted third party (the coward’s vote) for that.
I take issue with this, the primary third party votes when to Johnson, which undercut Trump’s own votes.

perhaps if the DNC had opted for a genuine middle ground candidate instead of a pair of old establishment

Liberals hate judging people unless it suits them

You’re no better than anyone else who pigeonholes an entire group of people because of your worldview. How easy it must be to dismiss millions of people as “bad people” because of how YOU think they chose their vote.

No, it’s not stupid. You just summed up angry, rural, undereducated white America with the perfect quote.

I have to disagree with the last point. I think many of his followers are blinded by party and conservatism. They do not wish ill on anyone. My Trump-voting friends are kind, helpful, sweet people. They’ve helped and supported me and my family while I’ve been out of a job, they’ve showed care and respect for

I have a lot of foolish friends who support him as the #NotHillary, stick-with-the-party vote. They are assuredly foolish, but not terrible people. And I pity them because they’re so misguided.

I’m really glad the Cubs won. I’m happy for the players. But man the fans are going to be insufferable after this aren’t they?

Off shore accounts and cocaine. The eternal money funnels.

The good thing is they aren’t stuck with this failing business model for an entire season, they can choose a new one everyday!

And you want to be my latex salesman.