Karl Mueller

If they worked for us instead of against us, they would have nothing to fear. These people should be taking PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION to work in order to better understand those they serve. They serve the rich, so they HIDE from the people.

He seems like just the kind of “fine human being” Trump would give a pardon to, right after he’s done pardoning himself and his whole family, of course. Well, maybe not Eric. He looks a little too much like that accountant Ivana hired...

We don’t, but our politicians have made a CAREER out of just that.

Not everyone can effectively access solar energy. I, for one, live in a forest. Would you have me cut down my trees? I suggest they offer tax breaks to those who’d like to operate their own hydrogen fuel cells, which they could then use to heat and power not only their own homes, but those of some of their neighbors

The hypocrisy over climate change needs to end. The US can’t claim to be fighting against it while continuing to be the World’s largest exporter of crude oil. Time to hold the oil companies to account on those claims of drilling being necessary to keep prices down by BANNING the export of crude oil. We have oil, we

My father was a zoology professor and avid ornithologist. His solution was to shoot them on sight. I can’t say that he was wrong. Don’t kid yourself. They’re vicious little murderers, and would kill YOU just as quickly if they could.

Elon Musk’s life is like a bad Vincent Price movie. Just an observation...

Chocolate is just so much better warm, if not hot. If you want chocolate and ice cream, put some vanilla ice cream on a nice fudge brownie that’s still warm from the oven. 

The bad news is we’re committing slow-motion suicide on a global level. The good news is it won’t affect us too much for a generation or three. Why should a bunch of corrupt old men care about what’s going to happen decades after they’re dead and buried? Meanwhile we keep conjuring up fantasy alternatives to doing

I look forward to the day that this clown gets a visit from karma. The only kitchen he belongs in has a Salvation Army sign out front.

Musk should stick to South African politics. Buying himself US citizenship doesn’t make him any more of an American. I’d bet he paid someone to take the tests for him. I’ve got some tar heating, if anyone wants to start plucking some chickens. He needs a LESSON.

Hawaiian pizza was invented by a guy in Montreal, just so you know.

Maybe it has something to do with chocolate producers gradually replacing cocoa butter with vegetable oil (Hershey, e.g.), rendering the finished product less palatable but more profitable. 

I believe him. Just look at the man’s FACE. 

Ever since the “self-driving” concept became a selling point I’ve been holding out for a car like the ones in Woody Allen’s “Sleeper”. Now THAT’S cruising in style...

Anyone who gives this man money under any circumstances is a fool. 

NOW we know how Taylor Swift made it to the Stupor Bowl.

Here’s hoping reality fucks back.

Every “conservative” policy boils down to the old “barefoot and pregnant” strategy of rendering others so helpless and dependent that they can be forced into any action desired by the “master”, no matter how degrading or unpleasant. Slavery by another name is all they crave. I say we chain them for a while so that

Maybe that’s the root cause of the silly walks.