Karl Mueller

You stop them the same way people have always stopped clowns like them. Around here we call it a “blanket party”.

When you start making political statements you’re bound to offend someone, and logic would thus indicate this to be a very stupid thing for any businessman to do unless their ultimate goal ISN’T to sell as much of their product as possible. I think Musk’s problem is that he desperately wants to be “cool”, which tends

Time to make them all SUSTAINABLE. 

Fisker Ocean, for sure.

If bidding doesn’t reach the reserve, you just relist it with a slightly lower reserve price. Better than taking a bath by letting it go for whatever the high bid winds up being. I totally see the logic here. I’ll bet they didn’t think of it themself, though. They did, after all, buy the thing in the first place...

It’s a tough coin toss, isn’t it? The corporate candidate versus the organized crime candidate. Tough call, because the results tend to be nearly identical. Just think, if we had an actual democracy, we’d be offered more options.

Nope. He needs a landfill named after him- Trump Dump.

Just look at all the overbreeding going on on “Reality TV”. 

If you want to go TRULY unfilmable, how about some Jack Chalker? Some of his stuff would tend to stretch the boundaries of CGI or even flat-out animation. 

If they worked for us instead of against us, they would have nothing to fear. These people should be taking PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION to work in order to better understand those they serve. They serve the rich, so they HIDE from the people.

Elon Musk’s life is like a bad Vincent Price movie. Just an observation...

Chocolate is just so much better warm, if not hot. If you want chocolate and ice cream, put some vanilla ice cream on a nice fudge brownie that’s still warm from the oven. 

I look forward to the day that this clown gets a visit from karma. The only kitchen he belongs in has a Salvation Army sign out front.

Hawaiian pizza was invented by a guy in Montreal, just so you know.

Maybe it has something to do with chocolate producers gradually replacing cocoa butter with vegetable oil (Hershey, e.g.), rendering the finished product less palatable but more profitable. 

I believe him. Just look at the man’s FACE. 

Ever since the “self-driving” concept became a selling point I’ve been holding out for a car like the ones in Woody Allen’s “Sleeper”. Now THAT’S cruising in style...

NOW we know how Taylor Swift made it to the Stupor Bowl.

Maybe that’s the root cause of the silly walks. 

Just give me a minute to dig out my fiberglass pants.