Karl Mueller

Inventory is at record levels because people don’t want to buy a badly made car from a white supremacist piece of shit con-man.

Jumped out with golden parachute and let others to land your burning plane.

As someone who has cooked professionally since the 90s, I’m just happy I’m eating something I didn’t make

They’re too busy shooting unarmed black men to actually do their job. ACAB.

They do the same thing as everywhere else in the country - provide a show of force when required by government entities and to provide revenue to said government entities for traffic and parking violations. Just remember, the police are not here for our safety!!!!!!

Sorry: Anyone who believes a too-good-to-be-true, something-valuable-for-absolutely-nothing offer, because a fake (or even a real) celebrity says so, kinda deserves to be parted with ten bucks. Call it a Learning Tax.

Republicans would rather protect guns than children. It is undeniable. 

LMAO thank you for proving that is post is garbage. “I support whatever it takes, unless whatever it takes costs me more than $1 more than I currently spend burning ungodly amounts of cheap fossil fuels, in which case then I don’t support it at all.”

I hope he’s best remembered for his Rolling Stone obituary, titled Henry Kissinger, War Criminal Beloved by America’s Ruling Class, Finally Dies.”

Not sure who is calling for a ban - but basically all plastic recycling is a LIE and no matter much “recycling technologies” - whatever that is as it mostly exists in industry propaganda disguised as science/tech journalism - evolves, we’re so buried in global plastic waste that we’ve basically forever junked a whole

Can I live without beef, arguably yes, will I live without cheese, abso-fucking-lutely not.

I’m not sure what most of these are, can I just take this list to Lowes and have them grab them for me?

I love how you justify the killing of children. Just proves that the Jewish people have come full circle from genocide victims to perpetrators.

This is a great point. These premature infants should not have taken those hostages, and even though I’m generally against the death penalty, these premature newborns committed a war crime when, as premature newly born children who can’t walk, talk, think, or do anything except be a passive recipient of life saving

Reason #1 to buy smart appliances:  If you get caught surfing fetish porn, you can blame it on your refrigerator.  Of course, if it continuously reports it’s leaking Freon, you KNOW it’s surfing fetish porn.

We should have started this a decade ago. USA is stupid af

Heard. You forgot "behind" though. I've never used Run the dish though. Too many words. Sell It!!!  or at most Sell That Shit is better. Never used 85 either. Best to use the least syllables possible. Heck, when I label stuff I never write in plural. Just a habit though I suppose the milliseconds I save by not writing

Did you hear about the 4'2" tall mystic who got caught performing fake seances for grieving relatives and went on the run to escape fraud charges? The police put out an APB for a small medium at large.

**vigorous wanking motion**

I’m gonna put some on a hot dog with you in mind.