Karl Mueller

Just give me a minute to dig out my fiberglass pants.

Bullets are expensive. The memo said that neck-kneeling is moe efficient.

It’s a lot of WORK to catch kids on dirt bikes. So much easier to arrest somebody else...or just have some more coffee.

I heard Putin did some backing vocals. Eager to hear THAT.

“Rain events” are fun, aren’t they? During Florence, there was water running out my back door for three days and nights...and I live on top of a hill. Now I have a sump system.

I find it very poetic that Trump chose to move to Florida. He should be required to live there year-round, as I’m sure he bails at the HINT of a hurricane.

There’s a plane for every “Taylor Swift”. There are currently four, with several more in production. Mattel plans to make an official announcement later this year.

Four quart Hobart mixer? Are you SURE you don’t mean four GALLON? Four quart is a KitchenAid.

After Deepwater Horizon, anyone who eats anything from out of that water is a fool. 

So, who plays Peter Tosh, or does he even get mentioned? Thanks for letting me know to avoid this drivel.

EVERYTHING came from China, and it STILL DOES.

The best ketchup is no longer in production. Sir Kensington got bought out and euthanized in the name of corporate profit. RIP.

I guess that judge was right in denying Musk that big payout. Maybe he should start paying BACK some of his ill-gotten booty...

We need to return control of our World to people, and quit pandering to corporate greed. Factory farms are among the evils they have forced upon us, and if we let them continue to run things, we are all doomed...every living thing on this planet will become extinct before very long at all if we maintain the course

Boxers die from brain injuries all the time. I read about one last week. How is this any different? Getting hit is getting hit. That said, if I were an investor, I’d be more concerned about the core recklessness than any risk of injury. Some day Zuckerberg may actually grow up, although his hobbies lessen the odds of

Don’t smoke them, either.

This reminds me of that joke about someone’s mother serving leftovers for 40 years, and there having never been an actual initial “meal”.

Why is the chorus to “Mother’s Little Helper” running through my head?

The ghost of Elvis says the missing ingredient is bananas.

Where was Geraldo Rivera?