Karl Mueller

People get drug tested all the time, and use myriad techniques to mask their use. Musk’s to claim to have been tested regularly is humorous. So what if he HAS? Tell me that the richest man on the planet can’t buy his way out of something as simple as THAT. He’d certainly know when he was due to be tested. From there,

Another case of good intentions gone wrong. People heard they were Chile, so they sent them some warm clothing...

One day he’s going to eat a moderate portion of healthy food and immediately keel over stone cold dead.

My parents had a policy that I had to finish what was “on my plate” before I could have anything else. This included foods I hated. Sometimes I would be presented with the same stuff for several meals in a row until I found a way to either hide it or choke it down. After the second try, no reheating, either. Ever have

Biden and Trump are both corporate candidates, and their sponsors (the same crew) are generating all this noise to obscure the simple fact that they are actually about the same in terms of actual policy. We are being PLAYED by two orrganized crime entities that call themselves the “Democrats” and “Republicans”.

They keep missing what made TOS so good- the stand-alone nature of the episodes. The problem with SOAP OPERAS is that not everyone has been following along. Also, that “on last week’s show” bit is SO 1950. I suspect that they like the “plot arc” concept because it’s EASIER. Also, TOS used stories from a variety of

Ever hear of the Brave browser? How about Tor? There are alternatives to the “usual suspects”.

The only solution is GUNS. Ask any Republican.

MY Life will remain the same, or were you conversing with that mouse in your pocket again?

Before long we’ll be wearing haz-mat suits to check the mail.

When they run out of comic book nonsense to make movies out of, do we get stuck with a “universe” of movies about children’s books like “See Spot Run”?

How many Ukrainians per mile?

The word is “wattle”. “Waddle” is something a duck does, or a noted NFL player. Details are important. 

Voodoo BS remains voodoo BS. Film at 11.

They also need to cut off the corporations that are selling the water itself. Where do they get off complaining about a “shortage” when entities like Nestle are draining them dry? Disingenuous, at BEST. It’s like calling the police to report a theft of something you SOLD. Meanwhile, they continue to pilfer from other

We should put Musk in a “nearly airless tube”, and leave him there. 

Then go there. You’ll find them dressed in Russian military uniforms.

Drinking is a SPORT in Wisconsin. Drunk driving is the norm. I lived there for many years, and I know. For the record, I’ve been in EIGHT car accidents, and I was a passenger in all of them. I’ll never forget the time we had to stop six times on the way back to Oshkosh from a Brewer game so that the driver could

Bouys”? Spell check not working today?

The World would be so much better off without this annoying egomaniac that it’s likely he will live forever.