Karl Mueller

The key to good food is simple- quality ingredients prepared in the proper fashion. Sadly, quality ingredients are more expensive, and it’s also cheaper to “cut corners” in terms of processing them. Attention to detail takes time and focus, and these things also cost money. Thus, as always, if you want it done RIGHT,

There’s another term that you may be unfamiliar with that covers the gradual decline in quality of anything and everything produced by the corporate World- enshittification. We can thank the Supreme Court for granting corporations the level of sovereignty they needed to inflict this upon us.

Republicans require an endless flow of warm bodies to support their true agenda of war, wage slavery and pedophilia, thus their steadfast opposition to abortion or any form of birth control.

If it’s Roseanne Barr, it probably isn’t a clone.

Regulations and safety standards are such annoying things, to say nothing of the ridiculous pressure they put on those simply trying to make a dollar. Good thing we have Republicans to save us from insidious nonsense like this. Everyone should be free to do what they want in the Land of the Free, right?/s

I’m waiting for McDonalds to get brave and introduce a breakfast sandwich that includes a fertilized egg, called the “McFetus”. The uproar would be truly hilarious.

A better question: What if everyone stopped subsidizing corporate greed, and shopped locally instead of feeding the very machine that’s destroying our environment? People will eat meat, up to and including each other, and that will likely never change. 

Where exactly IS it designed to work, aside from the vast echo chamber that is Elon Musk’s ego?

Maybe Herr Foell has a mouse in his pocket.

It is completely within the power of each of us to simply walk away from Musk, and everything he touches. I did it some time ago. Why do you continue to give this idiot power? So that you can complain about what he does with it?

Big deal. Vodka makes me wake up in strange places...like jail.

Not always true, sadly. Some are just born that way.

Really? What about when you’re 77? Do you run for President?

I’d make her work the deep fryer EVERY SHIFT.

I saw a Corvair once, in Grand Marais, MN. It had a Nader for President sticker on the rear bumper. Somehow I can’t find the picture I took.

I enabled it...and now it’s 2027. How do I get BACK?

When they start to affect football, something will be done.

Unless you can find one that actually supports conservation.

“Everybody wants to go to Heaven, nobody wants to die.” - Peter Tosh

Since the category “people” now includes corporations, thanks to the Extreme Court, I submit that your headline is no longer true, particularly in light of the fact that these newly minted “people” have far louder voices in the discussion that the average Joe...or even the one we elected to “lead” us. In short, the