Karl Mueller

Not always true, sadly. Some are just born that way.

Really? What about when you’re 77? Do you run for President?

I’d make her work the deep fryer EVERY SHIFT.

I saw a Corvair once, in Grand Marais, MN. It had a Nader for President sticker on the rear bumper. Somehow I can’t find the picture I took.

Reason #11: Someone ran it through a civet before roasting it. Beware “Bucket Lists”...

For some perspective, they also adore Jerry Lewis and David Hasselhoff. Does it make more sense now?

Via surrogate. Let’s hope that SHE got paid.

So, your claim is that their best song is the one written by ROBBIE KRIEGER? Seriously? You know SHIT about the Doors.

Corporate “geniuses” are generally only able to see as far as the next quarterly profit report. The same could easily be said for politicians and the next election. Our lack of a coherent foreign policy is a big reason it fails so consistently.

“3 second rule” notwithstanding, NEVER use cinnamon from off of the ground.

I see a future where delivery robots are electrified to thwart hijackers.

The real purpose of this stuff is to normalize criminal behavior in the nation’s collective consciousness, to enable actual criminals like the Trump family to continue to thrive. In my opinion, there is a precedent for what to do with Mr. Trump, who incited rebellion against this country. A man named John Brown was

“Northern Michigan”? You mean the U.P.? Now he wants to be a YOOPER?

Yet more proof that Hollywood is completely out of new ideas. The best they can PRAY for is a sad, pale shadow of the original. This dreck won’t even be THAT good...

If you don’t need to ask where the men’s room is because you can SMELL it, it’s a dive bar.

It looks like it has a flat tire. Is air extra?

When in airports, be wary of how you greet old friends named “Jack”.

That could apply equally well to essentially anything.

Have you ever heard of collards?

Have you ever heard of collards?