Karl Mueller

They should serve this with grits instead of rice. Fusion, indeed.

We can all do our part. My property is only 8 acres, but it’s all trees, aside from my house. I gave up on having a “yard” years ago. Out here that’s a waste of time and energy. So much better to just let it be what it IS. People ask me what I “do”, and I tell them I’m an oxygen farmer. If they scoff, I ask them if

I’d be willing to bet that his employees LOATHE him. I’ve seen the type many times.

The graffiti is right, the solution simple. EAT THE RICH. 

One piece of advice for this person: Get a REAL job.

Why are they called “conservatives” when thay are against conservation? What exactly do they CONSERVE? The wealth of the greedy? We need to start calling these people what they ARE: IGNORANTS.

I’d be interested to see an environmental impact statement for all of this, including data on the effects on the atmosphere. I think it’s time to take away his bottle rockets instead of continuing to glorify the idiot.

Whether the lines are clean isn’t half of it. I used to get drunk with a guy who made his living maintaining tap systems in a number of local bars, including cleaning lines. He told me once that it was far from uncommon for him to find the wrong kegs hooked up, so that people who THOUGHT they were drinking NA beer

I think I saw this movie in 1978.

I like to keep an eye on my machine’s running temperatures, and by my standards 40C or below is optimal. My favorite app for this is HWINFO64, which provides a wealth of real-time information about your Windows computer, including a comprehensive list of every temperature reading available. If I see a rise in

I’ve got an idea for Mario. If it’s truly about cooking, and wanting to share his skill and knowledge, he should give a series of cooking classes in the federal prison system. He gets to share his chops, and maybe some people find a career to pursue once they’re done in the cage. Since this is REALLY about celebrity,

People fret about the carbon footprint of the average car while completely ignoring the impact of insane nonsense like this. Did anyone stop to consider that it might have been reckless abuse of this very fashion that rendered Mars without an atmosphere? I submit that it’s well PAST time to start seriously regulating

Just don’t guzzle it like a pig, and you should be just fine.

As long as he didn’t shoot anyone, it’s cool.

Republicans are the party of willful ignorance. They DEMAND the right to be idiots, based solely upon writings in a book they have never read.

“Run the dish” is a 21st Century one, because in the past century servers hauled their own freight. 

Headcheese and lutefisk would top my list, because They are just NASTY.

If the Republicans were smart, they’d nominate Nikki Haley. Fortunately for the American People, Republicans are FAR from smart, so they’ll pick the same LOSER once again, with predictable results. Why did we even have PRIMARIES this time? Fundraising? The outcome was clear on both sides from Day One...

Things like this are why I stay well stocked. A temporary shortage is no concern, because I am the Duke of Oil...

Since the majority of Asians are lactose intolerant (how often do you see any dairy on a Chinese menu?), I have to wonder how a pizza joint could survive in that part of the World without resorting to regional flavors and ingredients like this. Then again, I’ve always wondered how McDonalds could exist in a place like