Karl Mueller

The real purpose of this stuff is to normalize criminal behavior in the nation’s collective consciousness, to enable actual criminals like the Trump family to continue to thrive. In my opinion, there is a precedent for what to do with Mr. Trump, who incited rebellion against this country. A man named John Brown was

“Northern Michigan”? You mean the U.P.? Now he wants to be a YOOPER?

Yet more proof that Hollywood is completely out of new ideas. The best they can PRAY for is a sad, pale shadow of the original. This dreck won’t even be THAT good...

If you don’t need to ask where the men’s room is because you can SMELL it, it’s a dive bar.

It looks like it has a flat tire. Is air extra?

When in airports, be wary of how you greet old friends named “Jack”.

That could apply equally well to essentially anything.

Have you ever heard of collards?

Have you ever heard of collards?

They should serve this with grits instead of rice. Fusion, indeed.

I’d be willing to bet that his employees LOATHE him. I’ve seen the type many times.

The graffiti is right, the solution simple. EAT THE RICH. 

One piece of advice for this person: Get a REAL job.

Whether the lines are clean isn’t half of it. I used to get drunk with a guy who made his living maintaining tap systems in a number of local bars, including cleaning lines. He told me once that it was far from uncommon for him to find the wrong kegs hooked up, so that people who THOUGHT they were drinking NA beer

I think I saw this movie in 1978.

I’ve got an idea for Mario. If it’s truly about cooking, and wanting to share his skill and knowledge, he should give a series of cooking classes in the federal prison system. He gets to share his chops, and maybe some people find a career to pursue once they’re done in the cage. Since this is REALLY about celebrity,

Just don’t guzzle it like a pig, and you should be just fine.

As long as he didn’t shoot anyone, it’s cool.

“Run the dish” is a 21st Century one, because in the past century servers hauled their own freight. 

Headcheese and lutefisk would top my list, because They are just NASTY.