Karl Mueller

Where’s Harold Stassen when we need him? Oh, yeah...RIP.

Joe Rogan could play someone besides himself...but he’d have to grow some hair.

The Red-Headed Woodpecker (also know as the “flying checkerboard”) is one of the four species in this country that stash food to eat later.

Politicians often seem like they’re something other than human, and I’m not referring to their appearance. Then again, there IS the case of Ted Cruz...

Boomers would drive Pontiacs if such a thing still existed.

No steaming? I thought I detected some vapors...

I’m a fan of forked potatoes, despite the inherent hassle. Get some baby spuds, parboil them and allow to cool slightly. Peel off skin and, using a fork, make grooves in them. From there, you apply oil in a method of your choice and roast them gently until they become crunchy, caramelized chunks of BLISS.

It’s stuck shut with partially melted microplastics. 

I use Instacart, so I do it solely by proxy. 

They must have some kickass legal weed where you live, huh?

“Our leaders” will keep lying about this until we are all dead.

The solution is clear- just leave ALL of that stuff in the ground. There are other ways to generate energy. The alternative is no future for our descendants. Corporations that want to hide the truth can be BOYCOTTED.

Am I alone in being completely sick of “back in the day”? At best, you come off as ignorant when you say that. How hard is it to be broadly specific, “back in the 20th Century” e.g.? 

Cheese can be made out of other types ofmilk beside bovine. We even had a very weird discussion in culinary school about “people cheese”, which is VERY MUCH a thing. I’d imagine you could make cat cheese, provided you had either a set of rhino-hide gloves or a very forgiving cat. There are numerous goat and sheep

Ever watch “Reality TV”?

I’m trying to create the perfect frico Brussels sprout, using olive oil, fresh garlic and parmesan. I suspect that I’ll never get there, but failure can be very TASTY.

It wasn’t Seinfeld, it was Christine McVie.

Proofreading is truly a lost art.

The poor man. I’m sure that some generous corporate interests will help him out. And then there are the Harlan Crows of the World...

Better yet- cage match, pay per view. Budget deficit? WHAT budget deficit?