Karl Mueller

Time for Johnson to step in and catch a good shot right in the...johnson. I’ve seen this before in more than one tavern...

Wing and a PRAYER, no doubt.

I wonder who PAYS for all of this. The average person, deing unable to AFFORD a private plane, won’t get into scrapes like this, so why should they have to help pay to rescue the entitled asshole? 

The traces of metals detected in our stratosphere indicate that it’s probably PAST time to start regulating this reckless nonsense.

I’ve had the feeling that the plan was to let this weasel walk from Day One. We’ll see how they arrange to make that happen. IMHO, he deserves at LEAST what Madoff got, but from the way they’ve been kissing his ass the whole time a sentence of “time served” won’t stun me in the least.

Electing corrupt old men to solve this is the pinnacle of absurdity. 

I send emails, but nobody replies. No typing after death?

I live in the country, surrounded by forest. Out here a “lawn” is a truly unnatural thing. Only two of my neighbors still try to maintain one. The rest of us have seen the light. There are certainly better uses for one’s time off than picking futile battles with nature. 

I felt that it would be a far better film if it contained even one sympathetic character, but I guess that was part of the overall point being made. 

I once lived in a rooming house, on the second floor with a kitchen and bath shared with two other guys. There was a two bedroom apartment downstairs, and they also had access to the bathroom and kitchen. So that I could keep some beer in the fridge for after work, I bought a small metal tackle box and a padlock for

Black is such a brilliant idea for devices that struggle to maintain safe running temperatures, isn’t it? I’ll never understand the fixation. Black tends to show smudges and scuffs more than lighter colors, too. To me this is the same kind of DUMB that makes black motorcycle helmets so popular. Yeah. let’s just let

“You can’t stifle the job creators”, even though they’re poisoning us all and nobody actually WANTS the jobs they talk about. We are the only species that shits where they eat. Worse yet, we do it in the name of something that doesn’t even actually EXIST. This “money” they lust over will mean less than nothing when we

You’re welcome to try this at my house. It could save me a considerable amount on dog food for that month.

I can proudly say that I have never watched so much as a minute of “Friends” in my life. From everything I have read and heard, I missed exactly nothing.

I’d imagine that a good vacuum cleaner would be very helpful, too. All that particulate matter is going to land at some point, and then it becomes dust, at least until someone renders it aerosol again. A broom just pushes that stuff around, and mopping just turns dirt to MUD. 

So, the people who are being systematically eliminated don’t count? WAKE UP. This time the Jews are the Nazis.

The same could be said about the situation in Ukraine, if you want to take the cynical asshole route to its logical end. So what if they have to give up their land? Are you familiar with the term GENOCIDE, you utter jackass? These people are fighting BACK. Israel intends to treat them like we did the indigenous

Time for all those “right to Life” people to step up and ADOPT like there’s no tomorrow. 

Clever solution. The suicide pill.

Mine isn’t a fear, but rather a loathing born of too many Friday nights spent sweating over a bank of deep fryers, only to have to strain, clean and rotate them once the rush was over. A loathing of that SMELL that lingered in my very skin for several showers, or so it seemed. Ever use a pressure fryer? I did that,