Karl Mueller

“No wrong way”? You shouldn’t challenge people like that. I’ve seen cooks that could burn WATER.

...and the named the child “Elon”....

Since history inevitably repeats itself, shortly after that thing finally hits the road will come Musk’s arrest in a massive cocaine smuggling plot.

Any claim involving petroleum products being “safe”is probably a lie, at least on some level. Too bad we’re so hopelessly addicted to all this crap. Those of us with children should apologize to them daily for the future we have built for them. It only gets worse from here. 

This sounds like a terrific way for realtor.com to mine your data and provide you with a lifetime supply of spam.

Be careful how you speak of our future Emperor.

The best use for an old pillow will always be suffocating one’s enemies while grinning from ear to ear at the fact that the last thing they smell is your stale, rotten FUNK...

Everything changes in two short years when Taylor Swift becomes old enough to run for President. You heard it here first.

If it’s chili made in Texas, then it’s Texas chili. End of story.

Anyone not physically able to become pregnant has no right to an opinion on this matter, which is exactly where the majority of the trouble begins.

This isn’t just a TikTok problem. People were jerks about carryout orders well before the internet, much less any small part of it like TikTok. I have always felt that a lot of it boils down to someone wanting to feel “special”. There are also those who assume that they’ll get fresher food at a fast food joint by

Pink the Moil. Who knew?

The enshittification of weed has begun. Before long, corporations will find a way to drag us all back to the days of “ditch weed”. 

Exactly the wrong direction we should be heading. One key to sustainability is buying LOCAL. If we want a livable World for our descendants, factory farming must end, along with our other wasteful practices. Recycle, re-use, RENEW, and, most of all, don’t waste energy moving all of this stuff around. Corporations

Just make sure that all this stuff is secure, otherwise your “switch” could become a nice little back door for someone to sneak through and pilfer all of your goodies. 

Maybe she IS crazy. She dated him, after all. That said, ACAB. Why did none of the other police step in and do the RIGHT thing? Take away all of their shiny little badges and their guns and make them find another way to earn a living. They failed at THIS one.

Shirr...I could do that.

Considering it was in Florida, I’d be willing to bet that the victim was “just trying to see how close they could get”. 

I use the best method: I never go there at all. I’m still an asshole, just not at the grocery store. EVERYONE wins, except, perhaps, for my dog. He’s stuck with me. 

If we had more than two viable political parties in this country it would be far more difficult for these grifters to get away with their scams. Right now we’re being treated to a game of “Good Cop, Bad Cop”, but in the end they are ALL cops...and bad ones, at that. ACAB applies here, too. We desperately need to turn