Karl Mueller

I’m surprised that you didn’t bring up one of the biggest things I learned from my long career in professional kitchens- WASH YOUR HANDS. I very seldom get sick, due in large part to my automatic habit of washing my mitts every time I touch ANYTHING. Not OCD, just good sanitation...

If nobody is forcing you to have a “lawn”, then don’t. They are extremely bad for the environment, not to mention being a colossal waste of your “free time”. I live in a forest, and disposed of the “lawn” years ago. It’s also a lot less work this way. I have one remaining neighbor who clings to this insane fantasy,

Maintenance is a drag, so I put not one but TWO “water resistant” covers on my main sofa. Why two? If there’s an accident, I can just pull the outer one off and still protect the sofa while I return the outer cover to original condition. This hasn’t happened yet, but when it inevitably does, I also intend to remove

This guy would make a terrific cellmate for “Marilyn Manson”. How is it that people are so blind to the obvious until it literally smacks them in the chops?

Apophis 2029. Ever see “Deep Impact”?

Deep-fried bread, at that. That’s how they heat those bread sticks. Straight from freezer to fryer....

I live in NC, too, and Indiana is more “Southern” in a lot of ways.

That would make it Mutual.

That judge needs to blow some dust off of his wallet and pony up the money, or dismiss the entire shitburger.

That isn’t the business model. Nobody gets rich that way. Workers don’t get rich, no matter what, but paying them anything close to what they deserve would seriously impact all of those expensive habits that the boss and their family have grown so accustomed to. 

Relationships don’t necessarily “end”, unless you include the death of one or both partners in that equation. My parents were married for over 60 years, and would remain so were my father still alive today. It is seldom a good move to generalize about human behavior, because there are more exceptions than rules...or

Two people that grow gradually less appealing with time...or is it maturity?

“Neutral oil for frying”? How boring is THAT? How about some nice pecan oil instead? 

“Celebrity Chefs” are basically low budget politicians. Half of these people probably can’t even cook.

Those “healthy” bread sticks everyone hoovers down come out of the DEEP FRYER. 

You mean, like World War 3? This is a SMALL planet, son. Be careful what you wish for...

I can honestly say that I have never heard any of her music. I know better than to expect it to be something that I would enjoy simply because so many of you are shilling it so relentlessly. I learned a VERY long time ago that there is generally a huge difference between “popular” and “good”. Maybe I’m missing out. I

Not in February, that’s for certain. 

She thinks hypocrisy is something doctors swear to.

When it comes to most types of home repair, my protocol is to find a pro to call.