Karl Mueller

Is anyone going to be surprised when one of their kids turns out to be a serial killer?

Burning Man attendees should have STAYED HOME. At least this year’s fiasco should end the fiction of them cleaning up after themselves. The simple fact is that you CAN’T simply wipe away the damage done by selfish, stupid bullshit like this. Maybe they should call next year’s festival “Drowning Man”, if they insist on

Since they stole the logo, they should also use the mission statement: “To seek out new Life and new civilizations...to boldly go where no-one has gone before...”

The people who talk about these “jobs” are never the ones who would actually be applying for them. In fact, they wouldn’t be caught dead doing them. Too demeaning. Still, they’ll whine endlessly about “immigrants stealing them” or “regulations killing them”. The simple fact is that most of the jobs don’t even exist.

Instead of using an roux, try a cream reduction (maybe with a splash of wine), then add that to the rice. I’d heat the rice first, so that its pores open to absorb the liquid, then add fresh grated parm to taste. Why roux in it? (Obligatory bad pun)

And it should be about justice and truth, but it’s not.

Commit a felony. You’ll never get called for jury duty again.

Tell it to the Cherokee.

If we were allowed more than two choices each election, we wouldn’t be having issues like this. We’ve determined that WE aren’t binary, so how could our politics be?

Mixing in tobacco is just NASTY. I suspect that Europeans got in the habit because they used to get mostly hash (at least in terms of anything worth smoking), which would have to be mixed with something if you want to smoke it in a joint. To me, that’s just a waste of good hash. Adding tobacco to your weed is like

He’s never going to jail, because then the next politician who crosses the line will have to go, to. The “Democrats” can’t risk that. This is also why Nixon got the walk. Now, if we had some more viable political parties in this country, protections like these might go away. We’re being PLAYED by these people. It

The simple fact is that there is nowhere to hide. Why do you think that idiot Musk is so fixated on Mars? The solution is obvious, but would require some sacrifices that many of us (particularly the rich and corporate) find onerous. So, too bad for future generations. This is IT.

I heard stories of “hot-cotting’ as a common practice among cruise ship employees when I was in culinary school. Needless to say, I didn’t look in that direction upon graduation. “Great money, though” was the story. No, thank you...

Try some crispy bacon bits. Surf and Turf on bread...

The best time to shop is 3 am. The aisles are empty, no waiting at checkout, and you can park right out front. Use the self-checkout, and it’s almost as if you were never there...

Time to sue the maker of this clearly dangerous product. Disclaimer aside, they market this junk based on the RISK involved in consuming it. If lawn darts can be taken off the market, so can this crap.

This is graphic evidence that this insane event needs to be stopped. The ecosystem will take a long time to recover from damage like this. It’s past time for us ALL to become conservatives, as in CONSERVATION, or our descendants will have nowhwere to live but our garbage piles.

Cheesecloth? Nut milk bag. Tasks become simpler with the proper tool.

Not everyone comprehends sarcasm. Or was that ignorance?

When using the whisk method, a scrupulously clean bowl and a room temperature egg will help you immensely.