Karl Mueller

Someone has to be in charge, and either you take on the responsibility of being that person, or you have to accept someone else’s leadership. Also, there will always be someone who can’t (or won’t) pull their own weight. Familiarity breeds contempt, too, often rapidly. As Charles Bukowski once said, “I don’t hate peop

They look like they’ve been kissing his ass. What would it take to get THAT taste out of your mouth? Surgery?

Next year they should call it “Drowning Man”. In all seriousness, it’s past time for this nonsense to end. Someone HAS gotten hurt, to say nothing of the unmeasurable damage to the desert.

It’s a spin on the old “barefoot and pregnant”. Knowledge is power, and they aren’t smart enough to control anyone EDUCATED. Both parties could try honesty and decency, but they’ve learned that fear and anger are MUCH easier to fundraise off of. We stay stupid, and they stay in control. Meanwhile the best we can

We really need to stop calling these people “conservatives”. It doesn’t even REMOTELY fit what they are. For starters, what do they CONSERVE? Certainly not the environment....

Nope. She has ZERO adopted children, and thus is not “pro-life”, but rather “anti-abortion”. Just once I would like for one of these people to explain what gives them the right to tell others what to do. I also have something that I would like for THEM to do. I will even supply the sledgehammer and the bag of sand.

Taco Bell?

Why doesn’t he sue himself, then? He’s done more damage than they ever did. 

“Disposable” is bad, period. If the World is your ashtray, where do you intend on DUMPING it?

Also, when riding wear BRIGHT colors. My primary helmet is a mirror finish, and the full face is bright yellow. Is “looking cool” really worth not being SEEN by the other drivers? Why are so many helmets BLACK? Exactly the wrong color for safety reasons alone, but then you can also factor in the heat from the sunlight

Why is anyone even paying any attention to this pathetic idiot any more? Don’t give him a soap box, and maybe he’ll be forced to get a real job.

A friend of mine thought he didn’t need a helmet. Now he needs a wheelchair. YMMV.

Entitlement has many faces. The organizers of Burning Man should be held responsible for every bit of damage their dangerous nonsense does to the desert. This is a classic example of what we shold NOT be doing. Not cool in the least...

The poster child for hypocrisy. Some 250 years ago, our ancestors fought a war to free themselves from the tyranny of King George, and now we’re on the brink of having to do it all over again because of corrupt assholes like this. “Taxation without representation” is coming back into fashion thanks to decisions like

Since I have well water, I doubt that sterilizing the containers would make much difference. 

Sarcasm only works if they are able to comprehend it, which isn’t likely. Still, it can be fun to try.

If you listen VERY carefully, after a few short minutes you will hear a gentle snore. Then it is time.

It’s GREEN. It won’t stun me when it lands, and tripod figures start emerging. Science fiction pretty much ALWAYS becomes fact, given sufficient time.

“Pay”? The way to cut emissions is to CONSERVE, something the “conservatives” seem utterly incapable of conceptualizing, much less attempting. The solution lies with ALL of us. I gave away my last car two years ago, and now I mostly stay home. We need to stop looking to OTHERS to solve our problems, and start BEING

I’m waiting for one to target West Palm Beach, hopefully when the orange idiot is there. It would solve a LOT if that clown were found floating face down...