Karl Mueller

I think that everyone tends to overestimate the amount of sex that everyone else is having. 

I personally prefer arugula pesto made with toasted almonds to the traditional basil/pignolia recipe by a vast margin. So much more flavor there...

I think the car air freshener is a bit of a reach. Here in NC this time of year, I’d hate to see what you’d find hanging there after even a couple of hours in this heat and humidity. Somehow, I don’t think “wilted” would quite express it. Basil is pretty delicate stuff, after all. Now, rosemary would be another story.

“If God had meant for us to vote, He would have given us candidates.” - Jay Leno

This is highly ironic to me. I quit Netflix about eight years ago when they unilaterally charged me for a DVD they claimed that I had never returned (I had, weeks before) WITHOUT ANY NOTICE, causing my bank account to become overdrawn ON CHRISTMAS EVE. I never went back, and I intend to have a small party in

Ahem. Ever hear of Arnold Schwarzenegger? He made some films, I think...

I suspect that her ethnicity plays a role in her situation. Just a guess, mind you...

Can someone please get Arthur Bremer to fix our Trump problem? He did a fine job with that other racist asshole that was plaguing our political system...

We are all artists, in one sense or another. Some of us just produce lousy art. Also, it’s not attention he’s after, it’s MONEY. Want actual leadership? DEFUND THE POLITICIANS. Those who remain will be ACTUAL public servants. I predict that there would be about five of them left in the Legislative, and NONE in the

They missed the boat by failing to call this “Drunkin’”.

You can, of course, actually put out a fire with gasoline, but it requires a smallish fire and plenty of gas. Ambient temperature and gas temperature are also important. For example, dousing a candle with a bucket of gas at -40F seems pretty safe.

It’s called hypocrisy. “Do as I say, not as I do” didn’t work so well for Mom and Dad once you hit age 3 or so, right? How is this any different?

Nobody says that you have to be involved with any of it. I opted out. You can, too. Addictions are hard to give up, but it is always possible, given the will to try. I’ve quit drinking, smoking, and social media, and I feel much happier and healthier as a result. YMMV.

When does it become time to walk away from this nonsense? I feel sorry for all of you. Elon Musk is showing you what hopeless addicts you are, and all you can do is kiss his ass for another fix. You have the power to END this pathetic game. USE IT.

Anyone who takes a non-Caucasian Republican seriously is even more deluded than said Republican.

Chorizo? NAH. Nueske Bacon is the ticket....

Do you have a basement? Does it flood from time to time? I live on top of a hill, and I have a sump system. It even has a battery backup system, in case the power goes out. Peace of mind is a beautiful thing. Five years ago, when Florence rolled through, there was water running out of my back door for four days

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. In mine, you are an idiot.

Just more evidence that this clown is a cancer on our society. I suggest that we all stop giving him money. 

She doesn’t want fans? No problem. You can help by not writing any more articles about her. Then she can go back to using whatever her real name is, and it will be as if this nonsense never happened at all. Can we do this with Trump, too? ABSOLUTELY...