Karl Mueller

Nope. Nothing tops Santana’s “Smooth” as a Summer song. Why? People actually still listened to the radio back then, dso you heard it EVERYWHERE and it was generally in sync across many devices. Plus, all the stuff you listed is CRAP....

Philip K. Dick predicted this over 50 years ago. There was even a movie, “Screamers”, which starred Peter Weller (who also played Robocop). According to him, we don’t need to REALLY get worried until the drones start TALKING.

You could also donate it to a worthy charity. I think you get some bonus karma for doing things like that and not telling anyone about it. At the least, it gives you something to smile about that belongs to you alone. Kind of the opposite of schadenfreude.

The next logical step would be to marinate them first, then follow the rest of the recipe. Maybe a few different marinades, along with some “plain” ones...

Lack of sex, most likely. 

Just for good measure, images of this clown should be posted EVERYWHERE on the internet, with the suggestion that he’s still due a few good ass-beatings. Sometimes karma needs a little help...

“Facts are stupid things.” - Ronald Reagan

Or Stormy Daniels.

Defend himself against the socialist gummint.

I knew a judge once that tried to run his wife over with the family station wagon. Must’ve been out of ammo...

The architectural equivalent of a “wife beater”. Very nice.

You mean other peoples’ greatness that he co-opted, right?

At what point does everyone just walk away from this idiot? He’s treating you like the bunch of hopeless junkies you are. Show some pride...

My protocol is to find a pro to call.

Also, it is HOT up there. Even in January in Wisconsin, it is HOT up there. Roofing is high on my list of things best left to professionals. 

I have a friend who’s a chronic alcoholic to the point where he could never control it on his own. I think that something like a conservatorship might be a solution for him once his mother passes on. Not asking for the job, mind you...

How many tweets are there in a petard? We may soon get a definitive answer.

Have you ever seen “A Boy and his Dog”? 

“Facts are stupid things.” - Ronald Reagan

This is what GOP “patriotism” looks like. If the other side pulled a stunt like this, the “conservatives” would be calling for their public execution for treason.