Karl Mueller

The best caramelized onions I’ve ever had were found at the bottom of a six inch quarter pan that had been sitting (on top of ain inverted sizzle platter to spread the heat a little) toward the inside corner of a commercial flat-top grill for several hours. I’ve tried many times to duplicate them at home, but I think

If you’re their second option, the job may not be worth pursuing anyway. What happens when their Option 1 suddenly becomes available (and interested) two weeks after you start the job? I had that happen to me once. I was just starting to dig into the role, and they called to say they’d decided to go with someone else

Why cut the ends off? To waste fruit? Cut the melon in half lengthwise, scoop out the seeds, then flip it flat on the cutting board and cut the rind off. From there, you checkerboard it into cubes, and you’re done. For a nifty display, you can do that last bit carefully, then slide the whole thing onto your service

“Updated”? Try “recycled”. Yawn...

I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that you’ve yet to see Renfield. There are a few on your list that it is FAR superior to.

He didn’t shoot anyone. Ever been shot?

Then what? A one party system? We need MORE options, not LESS. The GOP needs to exist to provide contrast to the rest.

It would seem that some folks woke up. The GOP fear “woke” people because sleeping ones are so much easier to RIP OFF. The next step is the realization that we need more than two parties to choose from. It’s like a game of rochambeaux at this point. Do you prefer a punch in the jaw or a kick in the balls? No, there’s

I’m trying to come up with two people who deserve fame and fortune less than them, and failing miserably. If we stop paying attention to them, will they just go away?

Here’s hoping that these clowns somehow miraculously find themselves knocked up. Men aren’t designed to give birth, you say? TOUGH SHIT. The Book sez no abortions...

How exactly do we define “sketchy” in FLORIDA?

Nothing will ever replace the classic “Art of War” by Lao Tzu.

Nope. I literally just washed every single dirty towel in my house. Good point, though. I used to be among the dirty towel crowd. A new washer and dryer can change your Life. 

I remember the days before balsamic vinegar “went viral”, and you could actually get the real stuff for a reasonable price. These days it’s hardly even worth trying to find the good stuff. Just another casualty of the “foodie” industry. I don’t even use the stuff very much any more. It’s turning into another sad

“Mid-year” was two months ago. Just saying...

Gore Vidal was right. Anyone who wants to run for President should be barred from doing so. We deserve so much better than we are being offered. 

Watch “Nature’s Grave” some time. He gets some karma in that one.

The GOP, party of “do as I say, not as I do.” If they accuse someone else of something, you can be pretty sure that they’re doing the exact same thing themselves. TL:DR- Hypocrites.

Bring on the Doritos!

The last time I tried that I got stuck sitting between three bears.