Karl Mueller

Watch “Nature’s Grave” some time. He gets some karma in that one.

The GOP, party of “do as I say, not as I do.” If they accuse someone else of something, you can be pretty sure that they’re doing the exact same thing themselves. TL:DR- Hypocrites.

Bring on the Doritos!

Good cellmate for Trump. Just saying...

Earth will recover once we succeed in extincting ourselves. Sad for all of the innocent species we’ll take with us in our arroganbt ignorance, though...

Welcome to the 21st Century, the last one to feature the human species. Coming soon- Kingdom of the Cockroaches.

The last time I tried that I got stuck sitting between three bears.

Can this get any more pathetic? Do we need any more evidence of the need for TERM LIMITS than her and the evil turtle?

I suspect that my beard might pose an obstacle. That which cannot be seen would likely be hard to “read”.

So, they’re like the Republicans of the insect World.

I think we should exile him to Puerto Rico. Take his passport, and ban him from ever leaving the island. It’s pretty clear that politicians will find an excuse to keep him out of prison, so exile is the best we’ll get. And his money? There should be some left after the SIGNIFICANT restitution, fines, fees, and court

Real men use a chainsaw.

They curd poutine some french fries for the Canadians who visit!

They’ll be disappointed when they discover that it’s made of WOOD.

It would have been best for Mr. Giuliani’s legacy for him to perish about 20 years ago. 

First the killer hornets, now this. But let’s worry about people crossing our Southern border, instead. Our politicians only serve themselves and the corporations that BRIBE them.

So, avoiding car wrecks is more important than my cool party? I think not...

The EZ Bake oven got its heat from an incandescent bulb, too, unless they’ve redesigned it in recent years. 

It’s only a matter of time before lava lamps become useless. Even now it’s hard to find bulbs for some models, and LED simply won’t do the job in this case. This is one of the few applications where you WANT the bulb to produce heat. I suppose someone can come up with a digital replacement, but like an electric

Give him Epstein’s old cell.