Karl Mueller

For topical relief of feeling overheated, I developed a little trick in my days as a line cook. Take a hand towel, dampen it, and put it on a tray (or whatever) in your refrigerator. When you feel overheated, pull it out and wipe your face and neck with it. Refreshing. Good idea to rinse that towel out every few

Kind of like Elon Musk. Richest man in the World, but what does he really have? 

Could it simply be that there IS no “right”? Did we learn nothing from poutine?

I’m trying to imagine someone with deeper self-loathing than a “Black Republican”. Jewish Nazi, maybe? How do you get through Life hating the face in the mirror? 

She just ruined MY breakfast. That FACE...

Nothing at all new here. I worked with a guy years ago who told me all about his exploits boosting cars as a teenager back in the ‘90's. The only real difference is that he never got caught doing it. Teenagers (particularly innocent-looking white ones) are useful for all sorts of criminal enterprises because they

Why should anyone care about Florida? Anyone who chooses to live there need show no more evidence of their insanity. Let lying dogs sleep.

Imagine living near a factory farm that produces pigs or chickens, and what happens to all of that WASTE when the place gets flooded. This is reality for many in the Southeast. In Texas and Louisiana, it would be more a matter of petrochemical plants and THEIR waste. Which would you prefer? Before long we will all

I lived in the city for many years. Now I live in a forest. You can’t even see my house from the air due to the canopy of branches. Never going back...not even to visit. Give everyone my regards.

Not this year. The Georgia peach crop got decimated by climate change related weather extremes, and I don’t do California peaches. Too far away for them to be worth eating by the time they get here, no matter the shipping method. Maybe folks of the Worst Coast can get into this, but not me...not this year.

Sure...Spacey can do a film with Johnny Depp. Have Roman Polanski direct, and get Marilyn Manson for the soundtrack. 

So, we charge them on the one hand and subsidize them on the other, when we SHOULD be removing the subsidy and banning all such activity on OUR land. All this is going to do is raise prices for the consumer. It won’t change anything else. Business as usual. Nothing to see here...

Maybe he’s finally being crushed by the weight of all that evil.

It’s like that “Figure 8" at the demo derby. COOL....

If there is any alien species out there with the technology to visit this planet, they would also undoubtedly have the intelligence to avoid us like the plague that we are.

Be sure you have the right rum. A chef I worked with was giving a presentation of Bananas Foster for a group of children, and he made a huge deal of the big flame that was about to appear. Sadly for him, the bartender had given him 80 proof rum, so there was no hint of any flame. He came stomping back into the kitchen

“Racism” is just a subterfuge. The rich and corporate need to keep us common folk at each other’s throats, lest we all get together to end their control over our very existence. At the end of the day, we are all one species, and far more alike than many, at that. Charlatans seek to divide us by pointing out the very

I don’t eat the stuff, but the mice in my basement seem to prefer that stuff with the palm oil in it, probably because it doesn’t dry out as readily.

They should find a nice, cozy cell for that prosecutor for the next decade or so.

We no longer have anyone to vote for in any major race, only those to vote AGAINST. No wonder we wind up with “leaders” we don’t want...