Karl Mueller

Just think- if this were a Muslim nation we would not have this problem. Is the Koran more merciful than the Bible? Isn’t it the same invisible being in the sky in both cases? The Talmud also has no issue with necessary abortion...and atheists such as myself generally support the rights of women, at least as regards

Anyone who persists in an athletic “career” after a near-death experience like this is a fool. Even worse if they are already filthy rich. So much for Dad’s dream of being NBA team-mates. If he wants his kid to see age 25, he’d be wise to advise him to shut it down, and just be a college student. There are PLENTY of

What happened to “right to life”? I guess that shit ends at BIRTH, huh? Very well. then. That sword can cut both ways...

For the World’s richest man, Musk gets told “No” a lot. What actual good is all that loot? He’ll never be cool, and now everybody knows...

Yet another example of the difference between “popular” and “good”. I think the last time that applied to music in this country was around 1971.

First he needs treatment for alcoholism, then the anger issues. Lucky for him he has a job that will allow for all that time sitting in sessions. Recovery is a full time job, even if you’re only pretending, which is what I’d expect this clown to do next. Then again, he can probably find a way to buy his way out of

His lawyer insists that a man named Jeckyll was actually driving at the time.

I think we should all flip him the bird any time we see him, just for being a twit.

Nah. What do they have that we need? Let them go, and they can take Texas and Florida with them. They’ll come crawling back when the first hurricane hits, anyway...

Ten bucks says the Extreme Court does NOTHING about it. 

Good. Lock him in it and walk away.

There is only so much room to run from our stupidity. Once we’re done ruining the only place we can live, there will be no place left for us. Of course, this refers to our descendants, so our “leaders” have no reason to worry about it. THEY will be just fine. They are very accustomed to “kicking the can down the

I hope Billy Idol kicks his ass.

The shirt (and socks) I currently have on are 55% hemp, 45% cotton, and they RULE in the heat and humidity of a North Carolina July. 

Can we just give these people the ANONYMITY they asked for? PLEASE? 

He’s against abortion because it would tend to cut down on his pool of potential victims. We need to stop using the term “conservative” to describe the “right wing”. There is basically nothing these people do that qualifies.

Corporations are always looking out for our safety, aren’t they? There should be boycotts for pathetic nonsense like this. If we can’t trust their products, what use are they? Time to stop sponsoring greed and stupidity.

It’s over-rated, trust me. The “good old days” mostly sucked while we were in them. With nostalgia comes selective memory...

How many of our “leaders” have actually had to sweat, other than figuratively? Therein, I suspect, lies the very root of the problem. They have no skin in the game, and hence no fat in the fire.

I’ll pass. Crowds are a fine place to catch COVID, to say nothing of the ever-increasing odds of a mass shooting. Paranoid? No, just prudent. Welcome to 21st Century America.