Karl Mueller

One thing is certain: we need to immediately cease calling these people “conservative” when their repeated actions have proven them to be the exact opposite.

The Darwin Awards should clearly be part of TikTok, too. 

Properly”? According to WHOM? I’m a former professional chef, and I’ve been officially trained to make alfredo at least five different ways (including several in culinary school). I think you may have a primary misunderstanding as to the actual nature of recipes. “You do you” is the way cooking is DONE. If we all

I had someone take a swing at me over my opinion of panko breadcrumbs once. Fortunately for me, I was wearing a motorcycle helmat at the time. 

It’s truly sad that we’ll never end this two party nonsense. We desperately need more options, but our corporate political system won’t let anyone else in. We’ve established that WE aren’t binary, so how could our politics be that way? Every four years we get to choose between a punch in the face and a kick in the

Anyone who’s been paying attention to the vagaries of the streaming services is probably assembling their own archive of video content (like I am). The answer for many of us may very well be MOOT. Given the way corporations love to insert commercials into EVERYTHING, it seems likely to me that those left without their

Just don’t VOTE for them.

Baby carrots aren’t just whittled down “adult” ones, they are also BATHED in chlorinated water to preserve them. Tasty...

I’m waiting for the video of his beatdown. 

The day he dies doing one of his absurd movie stunts should be made a holiday. The best part of his career was in the last century, and all that’s left is a litany of filmed suicide attempts. Boooring....

Why, the “defense budget”, of course. Are you afraid of all those other countries out there? We need to be able to kill everyone at least twenty times over, just to be “safe”.

To me, the only way anyone could justify letting them drill on OUR land would involve a guarantee that any and ALL oil produced be STRICTLY for domestic use. Naturally, the oil companies would never agree to such a thing, so they should have to take their environment-wrecking machinery elsewhere. As far as Biden goes,

People are stupid everywhere. How many times have you seen a guy with his baseball cap on backwards shade his eyes with his hands? 

Imagine what would happen to “partisanship” if we were to outlaw both the RNC and DNC as the criminal enterprises they are. We might even have actual democracy after everyone got over the panicof having to actually think for themselves. We’re being PLAYED by these grifters. Time to end their game.

All they need to do to confirm their true nature once and for all is to find a reason to pardon this evil bastard. That said, look for Clarence “Uncle” Thomas to craft the majority opinion that lets him walk...

WRONG. “Barfly” should be #1.

You can also peel and freeze them when they are just past optimal for eating raw, for use in a future banana bread or other application. I do this in measured portions, which means I can make some banana bread whenever the mood strikes me. 

I prefer silicone because I’d hate finding one of those bristles in my food one day. If one of those silicone fingers breaks off in my food, I’ll see it a lot more readily, particularly since my brushes are red. 

One would assume that he took the time to COOK that chicken breast first.

She’s going to wind up in jail. You read it here first.